Thank You!

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The fact that Veronica's story is over is crazy to me.

I wanna keep all the sappy stuff brief and get into the fun stuff in a second.

I truly cannot express how much love I have for all of you. What started out as fourteen year old me writing fanfiction because I was bored has turned into so much more. Although my writing was definitely not the best when I began, it introduced me to my love of writing and I think I can say I've progressed since then.

Veronica is the first ever character I've written. She is a stubborn yet kind hearted woman I've had the absolute pleasure of writing about. Veronica Gilbert Mikaelson will always hold a special place in my heart.

All of the votes, comments, and messages I've received from Youngblood and Bloodline truly mean so much to me. I won't lie, these past couple of years have been rough. I was experiencing mental health problems and had some pretty shitty experiences, but coming on here and seeing people interact with each other in chapters (whether it be everyone's disliking for Alex or just calling Klaus an idiot in certain situations) really helped me.

So whether you were a silent reader or an interactive one, from the bottom of my heart, thank you.

Now, into some fun facts!

1. My original plan when I first started this series was to write through season 5 and kill Veronica and Klaus off at the end (oops)

2. If I continued with my original plan of a Stefan vs Klaus plotline, Veronica was always meant to end up with Klaus

3. Veronica's childhood best friend, Evelyn, is actually named after & based off of my best friend :)

4. Speaking of Evelyn (my Evelyn), she has helped me with a lot of chapters and was the one who told me I should kill them off at the end. She felt very strongly for that storyline and said that the trauma was needed (are we glad I didn't listen)

5. The third book that would have been seasons 4 & 5 would have been called Bloodstream

6. I was going to write in Hayley at the end so Elijah gets his happy ending too, but never got the chance to

I can't think of any more but I know I have a lot more so maybe I'll come back and update the list, but some other things before I go...

I purposely ended the series the way it was on purpose. I wanna leave it up to all of you on how the rest of their story goes!

Whether they have more kids, how their current children's lives turn out, and so on is all up to you!!! If you want, I'd more than love to hear about your thoughts so please comment or message me them!

I think that's everything. Thank you all again for coming on this very crazy book journey with me. We've been through vampires, witches, banshees, and family drama (sorry Elena) together, and it was a fun ride.

If you wanna check out my other books Lose It (Rebekah Mikaelson fanfic) or The Lakes (Original Story) they're up on my profile!

Wishing you all the best, XOXO

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