forty four|vampire club

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The Originals S3:E4———————————

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The Originals

"These classes are royally kicking my behind." Veronica ranted, swinging at Marcel who easily dodged the punch.

A few weeks ago, Veronica had finally reenrolled in college. Although it was a gift from Klaus and she was more than upset with him, she would be foolish to pass on the opportunity to go back to school. Seeing as she had her hands full most of the time, the brunette was taking classes online and would only go in person when she had to work on something. However, that didn't mean that it made the courses any easier.

"You could always just compel yourself a job. I know you're going because it's what your parents would've wanted, but I'm sure they'd understand."

One glare from Veronica caused Marcel to let out a laugh, a grin appearing on his face.

"Remind me to never let you give Hope advice. I don't want my daughter cheating her way through life."

"Hey, it's not cheating. It's simply thinking smarter."

The brunette rolled her eyes, the action forcing her to miss the jab Marcel made to her shoulder. Letting out a surprised yelp, Veronica ripped off one of her gloves and threw it towards the vampire; who was trying to hold in his laughter. Although there was a very small ache in her shoulder, Veronica couldn't help but laugh along.

"Whatever. You got lucky." The hybrid mumbled, walking out of the ring and reaching for her water bottle.

Over the summer, Marcel had formed a type of vampire fight club. Of course that's not what it was actually called, but Veronica was very keen on referring to it as that. When her husband and the rest of the pack were trapped as wolves for all those months, she often came after everyone left and worked with Marcel to let her frustrations out.

"Hey, there's something I wanted to talk to you about." Marcel spoke, joining Veronica on the bench.

Humming in response, the brunette motioned for him to continue.

"This group of vampires, The Strix, reached out and they want to recruit me for their organization. I was invited to some party they're hosting tonight and I just wanted to see if you could tag along. Alex too. It would be nice to have some backup there, you know?"

Veronica's eyes widened a bit, her mind immediately going towards the plans she had tonight. It was Halloween, so the three of them were planning on going trick or treating then going home and watching movies. In other words, using Hope as a cover to get free candy and eat it all while watching scary movies that Veronica would no doubt close her eyes during. Marcel noticed her hesitation and opened his mouth to speak, but the brunette waved him off.

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