SIX|midnight swim

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The Originals


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Veronica yawned, her eyes fluttering open.

Last night while the girl was in bed, she heard the commotion of Elijah's return. Despite Veronica wanting to greet him, she was far too exhausted to even sit up on the bed. Instead, she made a mental note to say hello in the morning.

Much to her much displeasure of not wanting to leave her comfortable bed, it was now the morning.

Veronica lazily slid out of the sheets and walked over to the full sized mirror. Turning her body to the side, her hands ran over the bump that seemed to have grown overnight. She had worn an oversized t-shirt, stolen from Jeremy years prior, and her belly seemed to have shrunk it. Realizing she'd be flashing everyone if she so raised an arm, Veronica threw on a pair of leggings to be safe. Once she was dressed, she made her way downstairs.

"There's the person who didn't welcome me home last night," Elijah smiled, watching as Veronica entered the room.

"Sorry about that, but welcome back to the land of the undaggered." Veronica returned the smile, giving his shoulder a squeeze as she walked by.

Opening the fridge, Veronica groaned as she glanced at the items.

"Listen, I know I'm the only one in this house that actually drinks milk, but would it kill any of you to make sure it's on the grocery list?" Veronica said as Elijah and Rebekah entered the kitchen.

"Speaking of, add bleach," Rebekah sighed, walking into the living room to clean up the blood stained carpet.

Elijah stood beside Veronica, placing a bowl and a box of cereal onto the counter. "You know, I do hope my siblings were hospitable to you in my absence."

Veronica lifted a shoulder, "In your absence, as we're gonna call it, I almost died. But on the bright side, I found out I'm having a girl."

Elijah smiled, the memory of Klaus sharing the news to him early this morning popping into his mind as he grabbed the gallon of milk. Not wanting to confess he already knew, Elijah told her congratulations and poured milk into the bowl of cereal.

"Oh, milk," Veronica sighed. "Rebekah's been really good to me; Klaus too I suppose. They're protective over me, I guess I have you to partially thank for that."

"Well, I doubt it was me who convinced Niklaus to protect you," Elijah said, then changed the subject. "Tell me about those murderous witches. I have some concerns."

"I'm still linked to my ex friend Sophie, which isn't all that reassuring seeing as I haven't spoken to her since you came to town."

"Yes, I think it's time to take care of that little problem."

Rebekah sauntered into the kitchen, dragging a bloody corpse behind her, "I am all for it. As soon as they're unlinked, we get to leave this crap town. Who do we have to kill?"

"Probably no one," Elijah said, then sighed once Veronica gave him a look, "Alright, potentially everyone."

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Later in the afternoon, Veronica was curled up on the couch with her banshee book resting on her lap. Sticky notes were sticking out of the side - the girl taking notes on whatever she found interesting or things that have happened to her. As she was turning the page, she felt a sharp pain in her neck. Reaching up to massage it, the tips of her fingers were dotted in blood.

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