forty eight|wine nights

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Veronica groaned, slamming her hand onto the alarm clock repeatedly in an attempt to stop the noise. Only when she hit it for the fourth time and the small machine fell onto the floor, breaking into pieces, did she wake up.

"I suppose that's one way to get it to stop."

As the brunette went to turn on her side and fall back asleep, the sound of Hope's cries caught her full attention. Rolling out of bed, Veronica lazily dragged herself to her daughter's room.

"Good morning, my love." Veronica softly smiled, picking up a half asleep Hope into her arms and rocking her. "Let's go eat breakfast. You're spending time with your crazy father today, aren't you?"

Not understanding a word her mother said, the child simply snuggled in her arms and laid her small head on her shoulder.

Entering the kitchen, Veronica placed Hope in her chair and began making breakfast. She didn't notice Alex sleeping on the couch, so she assumed he went out for a run. Although the loss of Jackson broke her heart, she couldn't imagine what Alex was feeling. They had known each other for years and had a much deeper bond.

As the hybrid turned her head, she spotted a letter taped onto the door. Furrowing her eyebrows, Veronica gave Hope her food before cautiously going towards the door. Ripping off the note, she read off the words, her mind in a haze as she continued down each line;


You don't know how sorry I am for doing this. I wish this all could've happened differently. I truly do wish we had a stronger bond and had enough love to make our marriage work.

I wasn't planning on leaving, I really wasn't. Even though we already talked about breaking it off, I still wanted to stay in New Orleans. With you, Hope, and the pack. I've lived here my whole life and it was my home. But it was also Jackson's.

We were in the same pack, but it was so much more than that. I've known him since we were kids, we grew up together. He was my best friend and has always been on my side for everything. It may sound weird, but he was like my friend soulmate. Kinda like how Rebekah is yours.

Losing him is the worst thing that has happened to me. You don't know what it was like. Being taken by some vampires and tied down to a chair, not having the ability to use your voice because they constantly knocked you out. The only time they woke me up was when they wanted me to watch them rip Jackson's heart from his chest. That psycho Tristan said that's what happens when you try to play games with him.

Jack was innocent. It should've been me. I was the one who told you to get close to him.

I can't live in that city, knowing all the history that's there. I've lost so many people and I can't take it anymore. I had to leave. While you were sleeping, I booked a flight. I'm not telling anyone where I went but just know that I'm safe.

Although our relationship wasn't strong enough, everything I felt for you was real. I did love you. Maybe we weren't in love, but there was love there. I will mourn the loss of our child every day, like you will too. I will never forget you, Veronica Gilbert. Believe it or not, you're pretty unforgettable.

I shouldn't be saying this, but I know there was always someone else. Maybe it was Klaus, maybe it was someone from Mystic Falls, but there was someone else that always had your heart. Whoever it is, give them a chance.

You may be immortal, but live every day as it is your last. Finish college, take Hope, and go wherever you need to go. Be happy. That's all I ask of you.

Maybe we'll see each other again, but if not, just know I'm always wishing you the best.

With love,

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