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“You took action!” Ginny exclaimed the following day. Luna was sitting at Ravenclaw table during breakfast when she approached her. 

Luna, still groggy from lack of sleep the night before, gave her a questioning look. Earlier that morning she had been so dazed she forgot to put on both her socks and shoes. She hadn’t even noticed that her journal went missing.

“You know,” she paused, then lowered her voice. “You kissed Neville. You surprised me, Luna. I never thought that you’d make the first move.” Images and memories came flooding in from the day before. 

“Oh, well, word goes around fast, doesn't it?” Luna said, swinging her bare feet under the table. “Besides, I only gave him a peck on the cheek. It wasn't that big of a deal.” But even Luna knew that it was, indeed, a big deal.

“Maybe it wasn’t for you, but It sure was for Neville. He came into the common room all tongue tied; I could barely get the words out of him. Not to mention he was blushing madly. Just don't tell him I told you that.”

Luna looked over to the Gryffindor table, trying to find Neville. When she did, she found that Neville was already gazing at her. Their eyes met for a moment before his face turned a rather dark shade of pink and he turned his attention back to his food. Luna giggled. Ginny followed her gaze and smiled.

“I’ll talk to you later, Luna,” Ginny said. Luna waved goodbye as she left the Ravenclaw table for her own.

Later into her meal, Luna was looking around her table when Evelyn caught her eye. She had been trying to grab Luna’s attention. After she had done so, she elbowed Anna, her other roommate (and Evelyn’s partner in crime), in the side. The pair stood up, making sure Luna’s focus was still on them.

That’s when Luna noticed a familiar blue book tucked under Evelyn’s arm. Evelyn smirked, not breaking their eye contact, as Luna’s eyes widened. She knew what they were planning when they made their way towards Neville.

It shouldn't have bothered her, this is what she wanted. She wanted Neville to know she liked him, right? No, not like this. She didn't plan on verbally telling Neville, she was only dropping hints. And she definitely didn't want him to be told by her spiteful roommates.

Luna looked at the seats around Neville. They were occupied with Harry, Ron, Hermione, Dean, and Seamus. Ginny had already left. There was no doubt in Luna’s mind that they too would also get an earful. 

She wasn't sure how to feel about it. Luna wasn't easily embarrassed, but she had written some personal things in there. Not only about Neville, but her mother as well. It didn't settle well in her stomach knowing Evelyn had most likely read secrets that only Luna’s closest friends knew of. And what if she had been wrong the whole time and Neville didn't like her? It's not like she’d never been wrong before. Feeling suddenly woozy, Luna stood up from her chair and made her way towards the Great Hall entrance, not daring to look back. She didn't know what she would expect to see. Maybe Neville, with a look of disgust etched on his face. Or perhaps they would all be laughing at her.

Luna decided to hide in the girls bathroom for the meantime. The one where no one went due to Moaning Myrtle. But Luna never called her that. Luna prefered people not to her Loony, so why would it be different with her?

For that reason the bathroom was unkempt and very dirty. Most of the sinks were broken, mirrors were shattered, puddles of water gathered on the stained floor, and many toilets were out of order. The list could go on. Not to mention the less than lovely smell that engulfed the whole room. It was a germaphobes nightmare. It was a good thing Luna didn't have any prominent phobias.

Luna pushed open the door to the stall next to the one reserved for Myrtle and sat on the lid of the toilet. She didn't cry, she never cried much. She just sat and thought, until Myrtle’s whines interrupted her thoughts. Luna tried to be polite and had attempted a conversation her. Not a very long one, for Myrtle broke out in sobs and flushed herself down the toilet with an overdramatic wail.

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