Late for Breakfast

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Luna woke up the next day feeling rather excited for two reasons. She didn't have lessons that day, it being a weekend, and she was planning on going to feed the thestrals after breakfast.

Yes, her situation with Neville was rather unfortunate. And yes, she was disappointed at first, but Luna wasn't going to let that stop her from enjoying herself. She had spent her first four years of school without making any close friends, so it wasn't much different right now. Besides, she still had Ginny.

Luna started getting prepared for breakfast. She was nearly ready when she realized that she had lost her favorite pair of socks. Luna could have sworn that she left them on her dresser before going to bed the previous night. She knew that one of her roommates must have hidden them from her. This had been going on for years now. At first, Luna thought that Nargles must have been behind it. Which was a perfectly logical thought, considering Nargles were such sneaky thieves. But she found out the truth when she caught someone in the act. Luna didn't mind, though, it was all in good fun. She actually enjoyed searching. But she was already late as it is, she had slept in.

"Agnes?" Luna called out to one of her roommates. Agnes sat perched on her bed, braiding her hair with her hands; holding up a book with her feet. Most likely a textbook. She hardly ever went to breakfast, most mornings she spent studying for her O.W.L.'s, even though they were still many months away. But it wasn't at all an odd thing for a Ravenclaw to do. And the fact that Luna didn't partake in the Ravenclaw tradition was just another reason she was considered different, at least among her own house.

"Hmm?" Agnes turned her focus to Luna.

"Do you have any idea where my socks could be? They're the multicolored striped ones. They're my favorite, and just so happens that they're my only clean pair."

"No idea." Luna stared at her intently for a few seconds without blinking. Agnes sighed, giving in. "Fine. They're in the common room, on the legs of the chair closest to the entrance. Don't tell Evelyn that I told you." Agnes said referring to their other roommate. She gave Luna a small smile before she went back to studying.

"Thank you." Luna said before wandering out of her dormitory.

Luna giggled when she found her socks. It was quite comical to find a chair wearing an article of clothing. Especially when she was so used to seeing the clothing on her. She was slightly surprised at the simplicity of her socks hiding place. More often than not, Luna's possessions would be place somewhere too high for her to reach, and she would have to use magic. Or many times, she wouldn't be able to find them until the end of the year, or not at all, although she didn't try real hard, but she did admire their creativity. Luna decided they must have been tired when choosing the hiding spot.

Luna finished putting on her socks and shoes then headed down for breakfast. She wouldn't have been late if she hadn't lost her socks. So as result, the corridors were almost empty besides her and unfortunately, a Slytherin.

"What are ya doing Loony, hunting Narples?" Luna recognized the voice to be Pansy Parkinson's. Luna turned to face her and put on a smile. She wasn't surprised in the least, she was used to Pansy's bantering.

"No, I'm actually going to breakfast, I woke up late. And if you mean Nargles, you don't really want to hunt them. You should try to stay away from them, you see, they're nasty thieves." Pansy snorted in response and rolled her eyes.

"While I'm here, might as well have some fun." Pansy said mischievously as she whipped her wand out. Luna reached behind her left ear and grasped her own. Luna may have been uncommonly kind, but she was determined not to be a pushover.

"Expelliarmus!" Luna's wand flew out of her hand. She felt her heart rate quicken. But Luna kept calm, at least on the outside, for she didn't want to give Pansy the satisfaction of seeing her scared. "Flipendo!" Luna flew backwards until she hit the wall, she felt the back of her head come in contact with stone. Luna grit her teeth to avoid yelling out in pain.

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