Miss Luna

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Luna ended up staying in the infirmary an extra night, making it possible for Ginny to visit her alone. Ginny found Luna sitting up in her bed as she walked in, reading the latest edition of the Quibbler. She didn't notice Ginny approaching with a handful of daisies.

“Hey Luna.” She set the flowers into a vase on her side table.

“Oh, hello Ginny. I'm glad you came, I actually wanted to talk to you about something. Thank you for the flowers, daisies are my favorite,” Luna said slowly, setting the magazine on the side table beside her bed. Ginny raised her eyebrows, prodding her to go on.

“What is it?” Ginny made herself comfortable by sitting at the end of Luna’s temporary bed. 

“Well, you have lots of experience with boys and-”

“Hey!” Ginny interjected playfully. “Sorry. Continue.”

“And I think I need advice. Every time I'm with Neville, my stomach gets a funny feeling and my brain goes fuzzy so I can't think straight. I don't think it's Wrackspurts though. No, this is much different, it only happens around Neville.” Luna shook her head.

“Luna, isn't it obvious? You fancy Neville! And I know he likes you too! He just doesn't know it yet,” Ginny nearly exploded with excitement. 

Luna felt closer to Ginny than she ever had before as they spoke about boys. She felt like she could tell her anything. Most likely because they had a common interest to talk about. Usually conversations they shared started with Ginny asking her how the Quibbler was doing, followed by polite small talk with Luna occasionally explaining some kind of magical creature to her.

Luna gave Ginny a quizzical look. “How can you be so sure?” 

Ginny scoffed. “You should have seen him in corridors yesterday. When we crossed paths with Pansy, he nearly lost it. If I hadn’t been holding him back, I think she would’ve ended up in the infirmary herself. But he did manage throw some nasty insults her way.”

“I guess it's possible,” Luna recalled. He did compliment her on her eyes, so that had to mean something. She continued, “but I'm still not sure I'm one hundred percent convinced. I don't want to get my hopes up.” Ginny rolled her eyes.

“So,” Ginny said with a sly smile, “how long have you had feelings for Neville?” She wiggled her eyebrows.

“Hmm,” Luna said thoughtfully. “Well I think they started when we were in the battle at the Ministry. Though my feelings were very faint then.”

“You two would make an adorable couple. I can see it now.” Ginny sighed happily, a far off look in her face.

“Can you promise to not interfere please? If it's meant to happen I think it will happen. And I would also appreciate it if you wouldn't tell anyone else.” Ginny laughed.

“You know me too well.”

Luna made sure she left for breakfast on time the day after she was released from the infirmary. She wasn't looking for a repeat of last time. All of Luna’s roommates were being kind and helpful, she was sure their attitude towards her would fade. Luckily none of her things had disappeared from her possessions. 

Neville was waiting outside the entrance to Ravenclaw tower, holding a large basket in his hands.

“Hello, Neville. Are you here to escort me to breakfast?” Luna wouldn't have been surprised if it was the case. He was acting very protective of Luna since the incident. He had refused to leave the infirmary when his half hour was over. He argued with Madam Pomfrey until he gave up and reluctantly left.

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