Loony and Klutz

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Neville would've been lying if he said he'd always liked Luna Lovegood. When he met her for the first time in his fifth year on the train, he thought she was more than a bit odd and she made him rather uncomfortable. Most people he knew didn't wear radish earrings or read the Quibbler upside down, let alone read the Quibbler. Likewise, he could not deny that his feelings for her had changed over time. It's hard not to become close to someone after you've gone through something like the battle at the Ministry together. Neville was probably Luna's best friend, besides Ginny.

Walking down the path, Neville was startled to find Luna in Hogsmeade. She didn't normally come. He had been coming back from Honeydukes, because his gran gave him some money to spend.

"Luna! What are you doing here?" Neville approached her, almost tripping on the uneven path.

"Hello, Neville. I was just on my way to The Three Broomsticks, everyone says that they have the best butterbeer. Would you like to join me?" Luna said in her usual airy voice.

"Sure, let's go."

Once in The Three Broomsticks, both Neville and Luna ordered butterbeers.

"I've only been to Hogsmeade once before, when we started D.A.," she paused, "Oh! I was also here when Harry had the interview," Luna crinkled her nose. "Though both times I only visited Hog's Head. It isn't the most pleasant place."

Luna's lips curled into a faint smile, "I do miss it sometimes, the D.A., I mean." Neville gave her a sympathetic smile. He knew what she was feeling. He missed feeling like he was a part of something important. Luna continued, "It was a bit like having friends."

"You have friends Luna! Me, Ginny, Harry, Hermione, and Ron!" Neville said.

"Sorry, I just forget sometimes. Though I don't think that Hermione likes me much," she said. Hermione was always skeptical of Luna's theories and was always straight forward about it. She was overall smart, but a very closed-minded girl in Luna's opinion.

"I don't think it's that she doesn't like you, I think it's just that you two don't exactly see eye to eye. You're two completely different people. She has to see it to believe it."

Luna nodded. "If vision is the only validation then most of my life isn't real," she said absent-mindedly. It was true, she hadn't seen most of the things she believed in. Not in the flesh, at least. She had many books (and many editions of The Quibbler) that had detailed drawings of creatures like the Crumpled Horned Snorkack.

"So," Neville started. "Why don't you ever come here?"

"I like to avoid it when I can," Luna said plainly.


She thought for a moment, trying to find the right words. "The taunting, I guess. I don't mind it too much, but it's not like I enjoy it. It's nice to get some peace and quiet sometimes."

"That's not fair, you should be able to enjoy yourself without having to worry about getting bullied," Neville huffed.

"Like I said, I don't mind it too much. It's not like they force me to stay back, I chose to."

"So why did you decide to come today?"

Luna shrugged. "I was curious."

The pair continued to talk for awhile until they were interrupted.

"Hey Neville! If I were you, I wouldn't want to be seen with someone like Loony Lovegood." They turned their heads to see Malfoy standing in front of their table. Even though Luna seemed to be unfazed by his comment, Neville felt the need to defend her.

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