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(I Know what your thinking 'TWO CHAPTERS IN ONE DAY!' I know I'm bored 😑)

I got to America and on the way there I got some English lessons on my phone it was a super long drive. Like no joke. 11.29 hours

(so didn't google that)

My mom got a house all ready and we got there and put our stuff away. "Ok so you can go and Explore the neighborhood." Mom said "ok I'll be back soon." "OH AND BE CAREFUL I DONT WANT MY GRAND BABY TO GET HURT." "Ok mom." I left and started to walk down the street. "This has been a long week so far." I said out loud not realizing it "What is?" A voice said. "Hi I'm Karlee!" She said. She looks sweet (Karlee is an OC I will say her quirk later.) and.... TALL! "H-hi I'm Izuku Midoriya." "Oh are you new here you sound like you don't know English." "Yes I'm from Japan." "Oh that's cool! Why did you move?" "I um..." Then I poured at my belly. "Omega." "OMG YOU ARE PREGNANT?!" "Yes. Don't tell." "I won't but does your mate not want you?" "I don't think so." "Oh but can I help you with English?!" "No sorry I am just nervous I can speak I took a class in middle school. your quirk?" "Oh my quirk?" "Yes." "Technology I can control anything tech like and make it float and explode, turn on and off, not to brag." "It's ok. Mine is...." should I tell her. Fuck it. "One for All." "What's that?" Then we sit down at a bench. "All Might?" I ask her. "OH YOU KNOW HIM HE IS SUPER POPULAR HERE EVEN THOUGH HE IS IN JAPAN!" "I do know him. He is like a dad to me. I um well you can say I guess he is my dad but not. He gave me his power." "THATS SO COOL. Wait does that mean you were quirkless?" "Yes I was." "Oh that's sad." "It's fine." "Well ok my quirk is from my mom she died when I was 8 my dads quirk is time. His super hero name is time handler." "Thats cool. Sorry about your mom." "It's fine. What's your mates name?" "Oh um Kacchan... NO that's not it, it's Katsuki Bakugou I call him Kacchan. He calls me Deku." "Oh I like deku!" "Heh." "How long are you?" "What?" "How long have you been pregnant. You look super young." "Oh I am about 2 weeks. And I am 15 there was this super weird heat thing that happened." "You got that too?!" "You got it here?!" "Yeah! I don't have a mate so." "Thats-" I got cut off by my phone ringing. "Who's that?" "Uraraka." I said, then I started to cry.

"Oh was she your friend?" "Yeah." Then I answer it. "Hello?" "DEKU WERE ARE YOU?!" "No where for you too be worried about that I'm sorry." "OH deku it's ok and I'm pregnant." "REALLY?!" "Yeah And it's Iidas!" "Thats great." "Oh and are you ok?" "Ima tell you but you can't tell anyone I mean anyone so take it off speaker phone and go to a different room." "HOW DID YOU KNOW!?" "I can hear all the girls talking about their babies." "Sorry... (then I hear) I HAVE TO GO!" Then about a Minute later she says "ok I am in a closet." "Ok I am pregnant." "yeeeeessssssssss!" "Be fucking quiet." "Sorry." Then I hung up.

"Are you ok? I couldn't understand any of what you said." Karlee said "oh sorry she is my best friend I told her im pregnant and don't tell anyone." "Oh well ok." "I'm surprised I'm even Telling you all of this." "Oh well I guess I can be your friend. Wait ARE YOU GONG TO UA?!" "Yes." "YEESS!" "Are you?!" "I am in a matter of fact." "Thats good." "Yeah we can be hero's together!" "Yeah Wait What day is it?" "Friday." "Ok well I need to get used to it it was Monday in Japan." "Wow that far apart?!" "Yeah i guess." "Can I go to your house my dad isn't home and I don't want to go to my brothers." "Oh yeah let me ask my mom." Then I got up and held out my hand. "Let's go" I said. The she took my hand and we walked to my house. "We live right next door to each other." She said "nice." I open the door "Mom Im Home!" "I'm the kitchen!" I walk in there "I made a friend. Her name is Karlee." "Oh well my English is rusty but I'll try." The. She looks at Karlee and waves "hello I am Inko Midoriya." "Hello ms Midoriya I am Karlee Stoneking." "Would you like some tea?" "If it wouldn't be a burden." "Oh and she has manners." Mom said turning around. "Oh and call me Inko." Mom said "yes ma'am." Karlee said "mom can she stay here tonight? Her dad isn't home." "Yeah sure."

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