Last but not least chap 15

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Sorry it took forever to update but this is the last chapter for this book I am making a second one.

-Katsumi pov- He is now 12 boi-

Ok so over the years I have gotten stronger and so has Izumi and yuki got her quirk it's just like uncle Shotos but she can create stuff with fire and ice. Aki found out she has her moms quirk also. Me and Hiro have gotten closer as friends to the point that I now have a crush on him. 😐😑 yes. And now I am in 6th grade and we are in class the teacher is calling roll.

"Ok now Aki Iida?" "Here maam!" She yells "quirk?"

"I am the daughter of pro hero's Uravity and Ingenum. So I have Engines on my feet so I can fly and I have my moms quirk so if I touch something it will fly. I am an omega."

"Good now tori tokoyami?"

"Here. I am the daughter of pro hero's froppy and tsukuyomi so I have my dads dark shadow but it's a frog and I have my moms frog abilities. I am also an omega."

"Good. Nari kaminari?"

"Hero I am the daughter of pro hero's earphone jack and chargebolt. I have my moms ear things and I can do my dads electric thing with them I am an omega."

"Ok next is Hiro todoroki?"

"Here I am the son of hero's shoto and creati. I am half ice and half creation I'm an alpha."

"Good. Now Katsumi Bakugou?"

"Yes." I say "I had your dad please don't be like him." "No promises. I am the son of pro hero's ground zero and deku."

I get cut off by the teacher "HERO DEKU?!" She yells

"yes? Now my quirks are explosions and you know my moms quirk one for all I'm an omega."

"Ok good now(name)" Then she continued roll."

It's now lunch and we sit at a table "so how do you like it here?" Aki asks "it's cool I guess." Hiro says "yeah I hope no one will because of me being an omega." I say "I think they will be to afraid of us because of our parents."

Tori adds "I think so too." Nari says "hello!" I girl says standing at the end of our table "I'm kami! My quirk is paper. I can become really flat and flexible." She says "hello kami." Aki says "I really like your parents Especially yours!"

Then she points at me "i like how you have your moms quirk isn't it hero Dekus?" "Yes." "Awesome!" "You can sit with us if you want." Hiro says "Thanks you!" Then she sits down next to Aki.

After school me and Hiro walked to yuki and Izumi's school. "So have any girls on your mind Hiro?" I ask him "no!" "Oh... well how was your day?" "Good have any boys on your mind?~" he says nudging me.

he knows that if you are a boy omega they you like boys

"Yes." I whisper "who?!" "You don't need to know." I say smiling at him then I see him blush a bit "Are you blushing?" "N-no!" "Ok then we are here!"


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