My Elf Mate

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Arrin weaves us through the shadows till we get to the woods, he turns and presses me up against the truck of a large tree. His body presses against mine. Long and lean, but firm male presses against my softer curves. His deep green eyes pull me in, making me swallow but my mouth has gone dry. My mind losses all thought, my breathing speeds up, and I can feel my heart beating in my ears. He grabs my other hand he kissing them each in turn, right on my knuckles.

"I am truly sorry about my behavior before Riplyn. I love you for who are, everything you are. I was just..." He closes his eyes and huffs out a breath. "I was jealous, I am sorry for hurting you. I am sorry for letting you think I didn't love you completely for who and what you are, because I do. Deeply. I'm sorry I wasn't there to..." I put my finger over his lips, he looks so vulnerable right now. His green eyes, full of sorrow and regret.

"I said things I didn't mean either. I'm sorry I over reacted. I was being a bitch." He stares at me and shakes his head.

"You have nothing to be sorry for." He kisses my hand again.

"I have much to be sorry for Arrin." His eyes widen when I say this to him in elvish. My elvish isn't prefect but he knows what I am saying. "I have missed you watching my ass." He chuckles.

"Still with that dirty mouth." He states in his natural tongue. I grin and lean in towards him.

"Would you really like me if my mouth was clean and proper?" He smiles, a real smile and shakes his head.

"I guess not, it would not be you." I smile and nod. "Come, I want to show you something and we have a few other things I need you to know." Before I can ask what though, he is pulling my hand again and we are weaving in and out through the shadows of the woods. It's amazing to watch Arrin move. He is so graceful, agile and fast.

"Jump." He commands softly and I jump with him up into the trees. We leap and spin, run and bounce across the trees. I like seeing him in his natural environment, I can tell he enjoys it too. It's freeing, really, a part of me loves this, this is a natural state for me too. And I relish the fact that I have a mate who I can connect with on my elvish side. I can explore this side of me the same as I had a taste of my shifter side with my wolves. I feel at peace leaping through the trees, hiding in the shadows and moving with the grace and agileness as an elf.

When Arrin slows down and he takes my hand again, we walk across a thick branch, there is water close by. I can hear and smell it. He pushes some branches away to reveal a water fall. It's beautiful.

"We are out of the wolf territory, this is neutral ground. We'll be safe here." I nod at him and he leads me as we leap off the branch by the soggy ground right beside the waterfall.

"It's beautiful." I say as I look around. Tall trees canopy above us but there is an open view of the dark sky with millions of twinkling stars above. It's romantic and peaceful. The waterfall isn't large, four or five large boulders tall with a river flowing over them.

"Come on." He whispers and gives my hand a gentle tug. I follow him as he leads me to the waterfall, around the back of it. There's an opening I would have never seen, covered by a curtain of water. It's just a damp cave, maybe eight feet deep in a boulder and tall enough for me to stand but poor Arrin has to duck to avoid hitting his head.

"So?" I say while looking around. It's cooler in here and wrap my arms around myself to keep warm.

Arrin stares at the water, "I knew your mother." He says quietly, my mouth opens and closes, I have idea what to say to that. But what comes out...

"Please don't tell me you slept with her?" I seriously don't know why that was what popped out of my mouth but Arrin turns towards me looking horrified.

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