Kicking Some Wolf Ass

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'Don't kill, don't kill, don't kill.' I repeat this over and over in my head. I know I can submit this bitch, I just have to remain calm. Don't get pissed off. Or not so pissed that I lose control of myself. 'Dont kill the bitch.' I repeat to myself. Every eye is on the two of us. She growls and I watch as her teeth elongate from her gums, her body begins to shift. It takes only seconds for her shift to complete. Her muscles to relocate, the bones to snap and reconnect themselves. She's a large she-wolf, brown with large red spots. Beautiful, her fur is silky, her eyes a deep amber, her teeth white and sharp. She bends down low in a crouched position, lips pulled back in a snarl, fangs dripping with spit, ears pinned to her head. There is no fear on her, she is ready to fight. She is ready to win. But she won't. I refuse to shift right away, I want to watch her. See the way she moves, study her before I charge.
She leaps and I roll under her body, spinning and crouching as she lands and turns to face me. She growls low and threatening and I feel myself accepting the animal in me. My lips pull back as I growl back at her. I feel my eyes begin to glow, my power coming to the surface. I hold it in though, not yet. Not yet.
She moves towards me slowly, I can see her calculating her next move.
Her paw swings out at me and I lean back, it misses by a couple inches. She snaps her teeth and let's out an angry sounding bark that finishes in a low growl. She's getting impatient and I cock my head to the side and smile at her. She takes the bait, she lunges, snapping her teeth, swiping her paws out, I continue to move on the defense, just staying away from her sharp teeth and claws. This seems to piss her off more as she continues to charge and snap, charge and swipe. I laugh.
"Riplyn!" Ryan's voice carries over the noise, I glance quickly. She moves the second I glance at Ryan's scowling face. Her claws connect with my skin, ripping the skin on my arm into pieces. I stumble back and she continues to strike. After three more claws slices I finally get pissed enough. Yeah I know, finally! Blood is dripping from both my arms and now my thigh, four gashes in each area, the skin hanging and blood gushing out. Not life threatening but there.
"My turn." I snarl at her. My animal comes to my mind at the moment. I am only facing one wolf, the problem with my wolf is that she isn't going to be as large as these shifter wolves. As an animal shifter, I can shift into any animal but the disadvantage is that my animals are normal sized.
I stand to my full height, the sky darkens, the ground rumbles.
"Do not kill Riplyn!" Ryan again. I scream into the air as my left foot stomps on the ground turning into a sharp clawed paw. Lightening strikes down between the two of us. Her eyes widen, fear penetrates the circle around us. I scream into the sky and it turns into a howl. My body contorts itself into the wolf on my mind. Another howl feels the air and all becomes silent as they take in my form of a pissed off female she-wolf. I land on all four paws with a thump, look at the she-wolf whose eyes have widened and she's pacing back and forward. My fur is black, my claws sharp, my fangs lethal. I lunge towards the bitch, she moves but not quickly enough. My claws hook into her side, digging deep underneath her ribcage and I throw her back into a wall of male shifter wolves. They throw her immediately back in but step back when I growl at them. She yelps and whines, limps away from me as I stalk towards her.
We circle each other now, I take a step to her and she tries to dart away but again I catch her with a claw. She yelps loudly as I slam her to the ground and growl angrily in her face. She whines and moves her head away from me, exposing her neck and belly. My teeth press down into the flesh on her throat and snarl as I hold her in place. She whines and whimpers but doesn't make a move.
'Don't kill, don't kill, don't kill.' My mantra pops into my head. I still myself, breathing heavily into her neck. 'Don't kill, don't kill, don't kill.' I jerk away from her, keeping her pinned as I howl my victory into the now quiet forest. My howl travels over the wooded tarrain. Howls, roars and birds join in with me. Mother fucking Nature, as Jaxon said. Nature is cheering with me.
With a final shove of my claw I push her away from me. Step back shaking my fur and plop my furry ass on the ground and turn to look at my sexy, Alpha male.
The area is quiet again. All eyes are on Ryan as we wait. He walks up slowly studying me, no smile, no frown, no emotion at all.
And then he looks away from me, into the crowd of shifters.
"Any other females want to challenge our Luna?" He bellows with the force of an Alpha male. All females step back behind the males. I snort and shake my head, my gums puffing out with the released breath.
We all wait until Ryan turns towards me again, his head cocked to the side as he studies me. Then he smiles, and I release a breath I didn't realize I was holding. Pride shows in his eyes, I can feel how proud Colton and Jaxon are as well, our markings allowing me to feel them. I sit up taller and grin at him. He shakes his head with a chuckle.
"You're kinda scary Riplyn." He says as he moves closer to me, he reaches out but doesn't touch me. I bow my head to him, and he runs his fingers through the fur on top of my head and scratches behind my ear. I let out a satisfied groan, rumbling through my chest and press my head against his side.
"Clever little beauty aren't you? Breath taking wolf, your wolf is gorgeous" I glance up him and give my version of a shrug and huff. He chuckles. "Very clever indeed. And more impressive, you didn't kill her. I'm proud of you Riplyn, my Alpha mate." He growls and my body shivers.
"You're Alpha female. Riplyn Ryann." He yells, and surprisingly, the crowd cheers, hoots and hollars. I bow my head and stand back up. Slowly backing away from Ryan because now, it's his turn.

New World Queen (Part One of the New World Queen Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now