Getting to know each other...?

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I wake up but don't open my eyes. What the hell happened? I go over what I remember.

Two vampires, mammoth and snappy. Two broken arms, a broken jaw. Smart ass vamps. Creepy castle, killing deep voice goth vamp. I smile, that was pretty kick ass. Creepy inside castle. Groan. Vampire king... Correction, prevent vampire king. Fighting, nothing new for me. Blood everywhere. Holy mates! I have four, three vampires and an elf. Holy shit! Did I pass out?!?

"Oh my god, did I pass out?" I groan and ask myself. I wasn't excepting an answer but....

"Yes you did." I heard a male voice chuckle. It's times like this that I wish I had more grace. I squeal, yes, like a little girl. Jerk and flop and land right on my ass on a hard cold, stone floor.

"What the f...?" I start but am stopped by a hand on my mouth.

"Must every other word out of your pretty mouth be crude?" I slap the hand away. Then rub my now sore ass.

"What are you doing in my bed?" I squeal, yet again.

"Actually, it's my bed." I look and see glowing deep blue eyes. I growl.

"And what, there are no empty beds in a huge creepy vampire castle? Really?" I scowl. I force myself to my feet and that's when I realize.

"Where the fuck are my clothes? Are you kidding me." I yell, I am in nothing but bra and panties, standing openly, even though in a dark room, with four males staring at me with glowing eyes.

"Language princess." My elf mates says while rolling his eyes. Did I mention that all four of my males mates are in the bed. Yep, they were laying in bed with me. Agh!

"Don't call me princess." I growl. I hear a sigh.

"Who undressed me?" I demand, while crossing my arms over my chest.

"We all did. You were covered in blood. And may I say, you didn't protest when we did." I have two options, one admit yet again that I passed out, which doesn't work for me. Or two, thank them for undressing me while I was out to the world. Nope not going to work either.

"Why are you in here?" I say instead, let sleeping dogs rest. It's not like I am ashamed of my body. It's not like I don't dress like a slut anyway, I am just not happy they felt they could undress an unconcusious woman.

"Making sure you were alright." Orange eyes says with a matter of fact tone.

"Yeah? Well, I'm fine!" I get interrupted.

" you sure are." Honey eyes says. I growl.

"Get out!" I stomp my foot, yep. I have resorted to foot stomping. What can I say? I don't like to lose in verbal matches and now I'm outnumbered.

"Uhm, I think not." Blue eyes answers.

"Excuse me?" I ask, maybe I heard him wrong. Blue eyes gets up and walks, nope not a good word. Stalks over to me. I back up until my back hits the wall and blue eyes is directly in front of me, leaning down so we are eye level. Cue, loss of breath, sweaty hands, rapid heart beat. He inhales and moans, oh yeah he moans. A sound made for bedroom alone time that unfortunately shoots straight through my belly to between my legs.

"You smell so delicious." He says with a deep husky voice, again, made for bedroom time. "Look it too." His eyes leave mine and I swear I feel them trail down my half naked body like fingertips. I open my mouth to say something witty, smart assed, stupid. I don't even care right now but I all can seem to do is gape like a damn fish out of water. REALLY? I've got nothing.

"Nothing to say?" Smart ass orange eyes.

"Please, get out?" Maybe if I ask nicely.

"No." My mouth drops.

New World Queen (Part One of the New World Queen Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now