On The Run

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I graduated top of my class, it was with the highest honors possible that was given to me. Unfortunelty, it was not well received. Since I was a halfling; the first halfling to get such high honors, there was an outrage amongst the purebreds. It wasn't good.

I left imeditately, separating myself from Roland to keep him safe. Serval attempts had been been made on my life since then. They called me a whore, thinking I had been sleeping with any and all the instructors to get the highest grade possible. *snort* like I needed to. They just couldn't understand or didn't want to believe that I was just smarter, more focused and well, just better than the others I had attended school with.

Oh well! So here I was four years after my graduation, now twenty one years old. A legal adult according to the mortal world. I was always moving around. I never stayed in one place to long. I couldn't. The purebred creatures that lived in this world didn't like me, refused to accept me and were always trying to cause me issues.

I picked the pockets of humans to survive. And used my magic as little as possible. Magic attracted my enemies, and that I didn't want.

I hadn't seen or heard from my mated elf since the day I discovered him. Although every now and then I thought I felt his presence, I never could find him and he never showed himself to me. I am pretty sure he never really intended for me to see him that day. To be honest, it bothered me a little. I was completely alone now. Always trying to avoid fighting, trying to keep who and what I was a secret so no fights would break out. I had no friends, no home and no family. I simply just survived. I wouldn't even call it living. One day I was somewhere and the next day I was somewhere else. Always on the move. It was discouraging and I was starting to really not care if I lived or died.

What was the point of living like this? Was this suppose to be my life? Was this what my birth parents had in mind when they conceived me? It couldn't have been, did they know I would be shunned my entire life? It wasn't fair.

I sighed as I took another large gulp of my Jack Daniels on the rocks. I had been in this bar in Seattle, Washington for twenty minutes now. I feel a little tension filling the room with every minute I stayed. I would have to leave soon.

The interesting part was I was getting a lot of eyes from from the mortal men. Of course they had no idea what I was. I was pretty sure that just found me attractive in a secret dangerous sort of way.

I wore short shorts in black, with thigh high black boots. A black halter top that pushed my breast up and together. My hair was curly and wild, flowing down my back. My markings showed on every inch of my left sides exposed skin.

I wore a long leather jacket, it covered my weapons. I kept them invisible when my jacket was off. I normally carried three blades. One was always in my right boot, kept in a sheath, sharpened and ready to use at any time. My other two were kept on either side of my hips. Always with me and I was always ready to use them.

"What is a pretty little thing like you doing in a bar like this? Bet your daddy doesn't approve of you being here." A gruff and deep voice, human male, asked me. I turned to look at him. His eyes were dark brown, hair black with about a weeks worth of scruff on his face and neck. His teeth were yellowing, he smelled of booze and cigarettes. He was about six feet three inches tall, wearing worn jeans, a dirty shirt and combat boots. For a normal human girl, this guy was trouble. For me, he was just a fly in my ear. I rolled my eyes and turned slightly towards him with a fake seductive smile on my lips.

"Bet I'm the type of girl your mama warned you about. Now if you'll excuse me." I turned without waiting for his response. I growled when he touched my arm to regain my attention.

"You think your better than me or somethin' woman?" He growled out his response. I raised my eyebrows and looked him up and down.

"Not better, just not worth my time sweetheart. Now sho fly, you're bothering me." I responded and turned away from him once again.

"You little bitch." I couldn't help myself, I chuckled, men were so stupid sometimes. Always thinking with the wrong head, I knew he could sense the danger in me, he was just ignoring his natural instincts for what he thought was a piece of ass. He would regret his decision very soon if he didn't cool it and think properly.

"Name calling? Ouch! Seriously though, I'm not interested, but if you want some easy ass, the woman in the red dress has been eye fucking you for the last ten minutes. If you go to her now, I'm sure she'll bend over for you in the bathroom." I finished, nodded my head in the direction of the red dress woman that looked more than willing to take any kind of companionship right now.

His dark and irritated eyes followed mine and landed on the red dressed wonder. I saw the interest come into his.

"You're a waste time anyway." He grumbled and walked away. I rolled my eyes, that's what everyone thought. I finished my drink and left a twenty on the bar. Compliments of the man who just left.

I left the bar pulling my jacket on and moved down the street, not really paying attention around. I should've paid attention.

I was suddenly hit in the head from behind and yanked Into a dark alley. Yep, not good at all.

New World Queen (Part One of the New World Queen Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now