Chapter 4

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Ariana awoke to the sounds of several horses. For a moment she was completely confused, not knowing where she was or how she had gotten there. Then reality settled in and she remembered the day before and what all had happened. She looked over to her right at Sofia who was still asleep.

Suddenly the wagon came to a stop. The men in armor got off their horses and walked around. Deciding not to wake Sofia, Ariana climbed out of the wagon. Her body was stiff and sore from the wagon and she walked around, attmepting to get the feeling back in her legs.

She became aware that Fuego was still beside her. He plopped down on the ground and yawned. She realized that he had been walking all night. She bent down and rubbed his neck, soothing him to sleep.

When he was asleep and snoring, Ariana stood up. The knight she had met yesterday walked over to her with a smile on his face.

"Good morning, my Lady. Did you sleep okay last night?"

She nodded her head. "As well as I could under the circumstances. Although I must admit I'm brutally stiff from the ride."

The knight gave her a warm laugh and she smiled in return. He had a nice laugh and a contagious smile. "Yes, wagons do tend to have that affect on people, my Lady. How is the woman with you, is she doing better?"

Ariana gave a small shrug. "I'm not sure. She's sleeping at the moment so I don't know how she is. Her name is Sofia, by the way." She said.

"Thank you for the information, my Lady. May I ask what your name is?"

"My name is Ariana."

The knight smiled back. "Ariana," he said silently to himself. "It's a very nice name."

"Thank you," she said. "What may I call you?"

"I am Jordan, Knight of Lyra. But you can just call me Jordan." he said.

"Well Jordan," she said smiling. "Would you happen to know where I could find some water? My throat is parched."

Jordan nodded his head to the left. "It's over there back by all the bushes. I can go get you some if you would like." he offered.

Ariana shook her head. "Thank you but I can get it myself. I'm sure you have plenty on your hands and I was going to wash off as well."

"Alright, well I can tell my men to stay clear if you'd like to bathe or anything."

She gave a shy smile. "I would really appreciate it." she said. Her body was coated in char from the flames of yesterday. The thought of getting clean was too good to pass up.

"I'll get right on it." he said.

Jordan walked away shouting the order to his men. When they were all out of sight she went back to the wagon and decided to wake Sofia and see if she was fit to bathe.

She nudged her gently. Sofia moaned in return and eventually woke up.

"Can I get you anything?" Ariana asked quitely.

Sofia moaned again. "I could sure use some water and something to eat."

"OK, I'll go get you some water right now, but I think you may have to wait on the food. I'll be just one second."

Ariana looked around for a bucket. She spotted one by one of the horses and quickly grabbed it and hurried to the lake. When it was full of water, she hauled it back to the wagon and lifted it onto the wagon for Sofia.

"Thank you," she croaked.

"You're welcome," said Ariana. "I am going to bathe in the lake, but I will be back soon."

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