Chapter 23

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Everything happened fast after that. The king was standing and grabbed hold of Alan, forcing him to stand as well. He glanced in Ariana's direction as he was being pulled away. There was no time to speak.

"I'll see you in the morning, try to get some sleep." Ariana recognized Alan's voice in her head instantly. Even over all the noise in the room, she heard him clear as day.

"You too," she replied, watching as he exited the room in a rush with his father.

Ariana glanced around the room. People were on their feet, talking loudly amongst themselves. She heard snippets of their conversations and it was clear that everyone was concerned about the fast approaching battle. Mostly, people just worried about their own safety. Where they should go, what they should do.

On the other side of the room, Sofia was calming an older woman. Ariana walked over to the two of them. Sofia turned to look at her and gave an appreciative smile. "At least I get to see you before you leave," she said.

"I know we haven't had much time together, but after the battle that will change. When are you and Henry planning on getting married?" Ariana asked, hoping to change the subject to something happier.

Sofia shrugged slightly. "I'm not entirely sure. The war has made everything so chaotic around here, we will probably just wait until everything settles back down. Whenever that may be."

Ariana wondered how long the war would last. She had read of wars lasting a long time, even several years. She hoped this war wouldn't take that long. Quick and easy is what she hoped for, though she knew such a thought was naive.

"You should get some rest while you can," Sofia reminded her.

Ariana nodded, knowing her friend was right. But suddenly she found herself all choked up. The reality of war was sinking in all too fast. What if she didn't make it? What if she died in this battle? She worried about Sofia and her maids and even Alan. They had become so close lately and she wasn't sure how he would handle it if she died.

As if she could read her worried thoughts, Sofia embraced her. She soothed her fears by rubbing her back and whispering encouragement. "You'll be alright, Ariana. I just know it. We'll see each other again."

"I'm so scared," Ariana admitted quietly. It was true. She was scared she wouldn't make it out of this battle alive but more than that she worried about Fuego and Alan. Both of her two favorite men would be putting their lives in danger tomorrow. She wouldn't be able to live if either of them died, let alone both of them.

She wondered if Fuego had heard the news yet. Luna probably knew from Alan and if that were true, then Fuego would surely be informed.

"I know, sweety," Sofia cooed. "But I want you to know that I am so proud of you, and I know your parents are too. I'm sure they'll be looking down on you from Heaven, protecting you as best as they can."

The thought lifted her spirits and made her sad at the same time. It was so odd to think about her parents as dead but thinking about them as her guardian angels wasn't so bad. Hope built within her. Maybe she could do this.

"Thank you," Ariana said. "For everything. You've always been family to me."

Sofia stepped back and smiled at her. "You've always been like a younger sister to me. I wish you the best of luck."

With another long hug, Ariana said goodbye to Sofia and slowly trudged up to her room.

She changed into nightwear and then climbed into bed. Her fears returned as she lay in bed, looking up at the ceiling above her. She wondered if Fuego was restless as well. It took hours before she could finally drift off into sleep.

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