Chapter 15

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"Where is your concentration?" Alan asked as, yet again, Ariana dropped the rock. Her mind was too preoccupied with thoughts of Jordan to focus on levitating a stupid rock. She longed to be with him, holding his hand, leaning her head on his shoulder.

She had spent the passed three days with Jordan, getting to know him even better. Unfortunately, her new relationship had taken a toll on her will to learn new magic. Alan insisted that she perfect the skill of levitation before learning any other magic. He reasoned that with levitation she would be able to throw multiple arrows at the enemy with her mind, as well as stop any oncoming, enemy arrows.

Sighing, Ariana set the rock down. "This is ridiculous. I've lifted at least a hundred of these dumb rocks with my mind. Can't we try something a little new?"

"Lifting a rock is getting too boring for you?" Alan asked, crossing his arms. "Then what would you prefer we do?"

Ariana shrugged. "I don't know, maybe practice levitating something else?"

"If you can't even control a rock, how do you think you will be able to aim an arrow at the enemy without hitting one of our own soldiers?"

Ariana let her head hang backwards as she tried to calm herself. "I just don't see how this is improving my capabilities."

Alan let out a frustrated grumble. "Fine," he said. "Why don't we just call it a day? Maybe tomorrow you'll have more focus?"

Ariana perked up. She would have more time to spend with Jordan. "Okay," she said, almost too enthusiastically. She caught herself and then with earnesty, she said, "I promise tomorrow I'll be more focused."

"You better be," he muttered to himself.

Ariana met Jordan in his office. He had told her that if she ever wanted to reach him, that is where he spent most of his time.

Immediately when he saw her, he stood up from his desk and met her at the doorway. He took hold of her hand and led her down the hallway.

"Where are we going?" she asked as they continued to walk. They turned a corner and walked toward the exit.

"You'll see," he said.

As they exited the castle, Jordan led her to the right, towards the gardens. Ariana was still amazed by how beautiful the gardens were. Flowers sprung everywhere, colors abound.

Once they reached the fountain in the middle of the garden, Jordan stopped walking.

"This place is so beautiful," Ariana said, watching the fountain shoot water up and down.

"Ariana," Jordan said, putting a finger under her chin to grab her attention.

"Yes?" she answered.

"Have you heard about the grand ball that's coming up this Friday?" he asked.

Ariana shook her head. A ball? Immediately she pictured dozens of finely dressed men and women, dancing around in a fabulously decorated hall. She had read countless stories on dances and grand balls. To her they were fairy tales. The idea of actually going to one was exciting. Realization dawned down on her. Was Jordan going to ask her to go with him? Her stomach fluttered with the idea.

"Well, King Nicholas has decided that the kingdom needs a bit of cheer before we enter this war. Of course, on such short notice, the ball won't be nearly as large as his annual gatherings with men and women from the other kingdoms. Still, the event is going to be fun and I was wondering if you would honor me in being my date to the ball?" Jordan held her hand closely to his chest as his eyes searched hers.

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