Chapter 9

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They met the prince at the dragon's training grounds. It was only a few minute's walk behind the dragon's building and it was a seemingly perfect area to have such a thing. The land was mostly flat, with the occasional rolling hill, and it was a significantly large area; perfect for flying.

The prince was handsome, with light brown hair, and he had the most beautiful light blue eyes she had ever seen. She had seen the color before in the eyes of his dragon, Luna. She wondered if the king's eyes were really red like his dragons'. Although she had seen him just last night, she had not been close enough to get a look at his eyes.

"Hello Jordan," said the prince, curtly.

Jordan's smile was not the most genuine. "Nice to see you again, Prince Alan."

The way Jordan had said it, gave just the slightest hint that he was not truly glad to see him again. Ariana felt like something had happened between the two of them.

The prince gave a slight bow to Ariana and said, "It's nice to meet you. I'm Prince Alan, but you can call me Alan if you would like."

Not sure of what to do, she curtsied. "I'm Ariana and this is my dragon, Fuego." Her gaze shifted to the mark on Prince Alan's hand. It was so similar to her's and she couldn't seem to tear her eyes away.

Alan took a step forward. "Do you mind if I take a look at him?" he asked.

Her eyes shifted to his and she shrugged, not sure she really had an option here. "Sure."

Normally Fuego was tense when he met new people, or at least, that was how he had been since they arrived here. For some reason he seemed relaxed around Alan.

Fuego stood up taller, puffing out his chest and raising his head high. Alan ran a hand along Fuego's scales and then pushed on them.

"His scales are nice," he commented. "Good and strong. I can only imagine they will get tougher as he ages."

Alan made his way to Fuego's tail and put a finger on one of the spikes along it. He pulled back from the sharp prick. "His spikes are long and sharp. Probably should put some covering on them so they don't break."

So far both Fuego and Ariana were pleased with the assessment. Now Alan knelt down and ran his finger along the curve of Fuego's claws.

"His claws should be trimmed and sharpened." It was a small criticism that both her and the dragon could take.

Alan then put his hand on Fuego's knee and lifted, testing its bend. "He could be a little more flexible." Then he felt the leg's muscle. "And he definitely needs to build up his muscle and strength."

The assessment was starting to go downhill and Ariana shifted her stance in worry.

He stood up now and felt Fuego's wings. "Would you mind opening your wings please?" Alan asked politely.

Fuego extended his wings and Ariana was glad to see he looked impressed. "Nice," he commented. "That's a really good wingspan. Can he fly well?" he asked, addressing Ariana.

She cleared her throat. "I think so," she said hesitantly.

"Hmm," he said. "I guess I will have to be the judge of that." Then he looked over at Jordan, as if suddenly aware he was still there. "You can go now," he said to him. "I'm sure you still have some paperwork to do on the case."

"Yes, Sir," he said to Alan. Then he turned to Ariana. "I'll see you back at the castle." Worry filled her stomach that he was leaving her alone. He gave her a wink of encouragement before turning to leave.

She nodded and watched him leave before she returned her attention back to Alan. He was still examining Fuego's wings and he shifted his attention to the dragon's face. He coaxed Fuego to lower his neck and let him get a better look.

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