In sickness and in health (Tony x Reader)

705 14 0

Words: 409

Warnings: None

AN: I'm gonna start putting titles when I can think of good ones from now on. Anywho, hope you enjoy! ^_^

"It's too hot!" Tony whined from your shared room, kicking his blanket off. You huffed from the kitchen, "Hold on!" You shout to him.

You loved Tony, but man he can be such a whiny bitch when he's sick. He had come down with a common cold. Not much stopped Tony from working, but this did. You removed the soup from the burner and scooped some into a bowl and grabbed a spoon and walked to your bedroom. 

"I made you some tomato soup." You set the bowl on the nightstand before helping him sit up because 'He couldn't do it himself.' You tried placing the bowl on his lap but he whined again.

"Tony I am not going to feed you!" You seethed. After more protesting, you were sitting on the bed, bowl in hand, feeding Tony like the man-child he was. 

"Okay, okay. I'm done." Tony moved his face away from the spoon and you sighed.

"Tony you took four bites. Just a bit more?" You pleaded. He crossed his arms and shook his head,

"Sorry (Y/N), but your just not a good cook." You scrunched your nose up and huffed.

"Really? I spent time to make you some damn soup and your gonna eat it!" You shoved the spoon into his mouth as he struggled against your hold. He eventually got exhausted and stopped fighting, making disgusted faces after every bite until it was eventually all gone.


"(Y/N)!" Sighing, you got up and paused your show.

"What?" You trudged to the door.

"I ran out of-" He was interrupted by a sneezing fit. "Tissues." He swiped the snot from his red nose with his sleeve. You scrunched your nose up, "Gross." You picked up his dirty tissues and threw them in the bin. You got more tissues from the cabinet in the connected bathroom and came back to the room to find Tony in only his boxers.

"Too hot." He stated. You shook your head and set the tissues on the nightstand and turned the air conditioner on. As you were leaving the room again he stopped you, "Wait! it's too cold now!" He complained. You walked back over and turned the conditioning off. 

"Anything else?" You held your breath waiting for his response.

"Can you get me a little bit of that Tomato soup? It didn't taste too bad after the first few bites." He asked. Your shoulders sagged as you nodded your head and went to the kitchen to repeat the entire cycle again.

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