Steve x Reader

800 23 8

Words: 1242  

Warnings: Sass, mentions of sex? Once.


Your brother barges into your room just as you landed on your soft bed. 

"Hey, (Y/N/N) can you-"

"Do you ever knock?" You glare at him with your lips in a thin line, arms crossed over your chest.

"Jeez, Who lit the fuse on your tampon, princess?" He said smugly as you threw a pillow in his direction, hitting the door instead. "Anyways, can you help me out with something?"

"Sure, I'll help you out. Which way did you come in?" You asked, smirking as he mumbled something along the lines of 'using that'. He rolled his eyes and huffed.

"I need help getting something for Bruce's birthday. You know him better, being his assistant-"

"Partner." You huffed.

"Right, right. Partner that spends more time on coffee runs than science."

"Yeah yeah, whatever," You shake your head.  "Bruce was talking about an Aromatherapy Pendant a few months ago. You could get him one of those?" You suggest. 

He thinks for a minute, tapping his chin and nodding after a few seconds. "Perfect. Thanks." He grabs the handle of your door before turning back to you. "Oh yeah, I'm going out with Pepper tonight. Call me if it's important, but don't expect me to answer." He grins and winks. 

You give a thumbs up and he furrows his brows slightly, "Is that Cap's shirt?" He points to the plain white oversized T-shirt that hung low over your shoulders.

"Oh, this? Yeah, I sleep in them. I have a few of Thor's shirts around here somewhere too..." You trail off, "Wait, don't tell them about this. I don't think they know." You stare wide-eyed at your Brother.

He lets out a breathy laugh, "Don't worry, secret's safe with me." He waves you goodbye before finally leaving.

 You let out a big sigh of relief, getting up and picking up the pillow you threw beforehand once you knew for sure Tony was gone. "Coast is clear."

You watch as Steve clambers out of your small sliding door closet. His face is deep red as he crosses his arms over his bare chest. His pants are unbuttoned and partially unzipped.

"If you weren't such a good liar we would've got caught in the middle of..." He lets out a small breath and sets on the edge of your bed.

"Don't sell yourself too short, you were the one that heard him coming." You sat next to him. "Also, if I didn't grab the wrong shirt I wouldnt've even needed to lie." You leaned your head on Steve's shoulder, taking in the view of the city from your window.

It's silent before you get up and turn on the TV. "Sorry baby, I'm not really in the mood after that. Can we just watch a movie instead?" You ask.

"Of course, darling." Steve gets up and crouches down next to you as you open your chest of DVDs. "You know they have Netflix and Hulu now, right? You don't need all these DVDs." Steve points out. You chuckled, it was ironic hearing that from someone who was born nearly a century ago.

"Don't judge me. I like DVDs!" You nudged his side with your elbow as he kisses your cheek. As you looked through DVDs Steve got uncharacteristically quiet. "What's on your mind baby?" You grab his hand.

Steve sighed, "You don't really have any of Thor's shirts in here do you?" You would laugh if Steve didn't look like a kicked puppy right now.

"Of course not! That was just to get Tony off of my back." You assure him. He lightly smiles at you and continues searching for DVDs. "You weren't jealous, were you?" You giggle.

"No!" He huffs with a playful smirk. 

"Yeah yeah, whatever Stevie." You smirk back. 


It was currently 12:37 AM, which meant you had been watching movies for quite a few hours since you first put in 'Dude where's my car?' in at noon. Empty pizza boxes were stacked on the floor next to you along with a few empty cans of soda. You don't know where Steve puts all that stuff, he had to have eaten almost two entire pizzas by himself.

You weren't really paying attention to the movie you had in, mainly focusing on Steves' hand as he gently rubbed the pads of his fingers across your arm. It was making you drowsy, but you didn't bother to tell him to quit. You'd both changed to pajamas anyways so it didn't really matter if you fell asleep.

"Sleepy?" Steve combed his fingers through your hair. You nodded and leaned up to kiss him. You trailed your hand up his arm and cupped his jaw as he deepened the kiss.

You heard the doorknob jiggle and before you could break away light from the hallway filled the dark room. "Hey, I heard you ordered-" You heard a gasp,

"What the hell do you think your doing!?" Tony screeched, throwing an empty coke can towards Steve. Steve quickly blocked it and jumped off of your bed.

"Tony don't you ever knock?!" You screech back.

"What did I tell you?! No dating until you move away!" Tony stomped towards you.

"I can't help it! I've had a crush on him since I was seven!" you flailed your arms around. "I'm an adult now, I can date who I want!" You puff out your chest. 

"Not under my roof you can't!" Tony challenged. Pepper, who was shaking her head sighed from behind your brother.

"Then I'll get an apartment downtown." You cross your arms.

"You would choose gramps over me, your own brother." Tony huffed.

"Yes. Unlike you, he isn't a jackass!" You flare your nostrils as you and Tony went back and forth. Pepper had a bored look on her face as she listened to you and Tony bicker. Steve slowly backed away to the corner as your shouts got louder.

"Oh come on! You never even asked me if I approved of Pepper, why should you have to approve of Steve?" You shook your head.

"Because I'm the older one and-" Pepper whacked the back of Tony's head with her hand.

"(Y/N) is an adult, Tony. She can make her own decisions." Pepper stated. Tony was going to say something snarky but was cut short when Pepper gave him a strict 'Don't fuck with me' stare. "Besides, she could be dating someone like Justin Hammer." Tony scrunched his nose at the thought, earning a small smirk from you. "At least you know Steve is loyal and won't hurt her." Tony was silent before hesitantly nodding his head.

You mouthed the words 'Thank you' to Pepper, earning a grin from the red-head. Tony glared over to Steve, who shuffled a little under his stare.

Pepper and Tony retreated after Tony gave Steve the talk that consisted of lots of threats, rules you were sure to not follow and warnings. 

You closed the door, making sure to lock it and practically jumped onto the bed. "I. Am. Exhausted." You cuddled into your pillow with a cute yawn.

"Me too. I should probably get going by now-" Steve stood up to leave but you grabbed his hand. 

"No. Stay. Tony knows about us now, so you don't have to leave." You cleared your throat and move your hand away from his. "If you want to, I mean." You stared up at him.

"I'll stay." He climbed into bed with you and turned off the TV with the remote. "Goodnight, sweetheart." Steve tangled his legs with yours and rested his chin on top of your head.

"Goodnight, baby." You leave a short kiss on his collarbone before falling into a deep sleep.

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