Sam x Reader

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Warnings: Physical abuse (Happy ending though)

Words: 1952


Each word you typed out onto the keyboard made you ten times more tired. There were only a few more people in the dingy white office. The only lights that were on in the office were the dim little lamps in a few of the cubicles that you got. Rain thumped against the window, creating a soothing sound. Lightning would strike here and there and a few seconds later the sound of rumbling thunder filled New York up.

 Looking outside, you wondered what some of your superhero friends were up to. You knew Natasha and Clint had an undercover mission somewhere in India but that's all you knew. Sam was at home, you were sure about that since he was texting you. Steve was with him so you assumed that meant Bucky lingered around there as well. You wondered if that Peter Parker kid was up and running about. You hoped so, you had to walk yourself home tonight. In the rain. At midnight. At least if he was around you would be slightly safer from muggers. 

The sound of someone's lamp turning off brought you back into reality and you began writing down the words onto the email again. If you didn't get this done tonight your boss would have your head on a stick. You finally finished sending out a bunch of emails so you tidied up your space a little bit at least. You grabbed a stack of paper and put it in your drawer and threw away whatever trash you had left on the desk into the little bin under your desk. You shut down the computer,  turned off the small lamp light and grabbed your umbrella before beginning your walk back to your apartment.

When you arrived at your apartment complex you were practically drenched in water. The neat little bun that was on top of your head only an hour ago was now wet and tangled with rainwater. Apparently, you needed a new umbrella. You took the stairs to the fourth floor of the apartment building, seeing that the elevator had been out for a day now. 

Each floor had a set of two apartments. It wasn't a huge complex and only fit a handful of people but the inside of it was quite nice and it only took in cleaner people. When you arrived at your room, room five, you struggled to find the keys to your apartment before finally finding the right one and inserting it into the lock. When you opened the door the fridge was wide open and you only sighed and shook your head. You walked to the fridge door and checked if the six-pack of beer was still in its place. To your dismay, it wasn't which meant Richard was probably drunk at the moment. You would argue a lot when he got drunk but you made up in the morning. Most of the time. 

You walked over to the living room and saw Richard passed out on the couch, four of the six beer bottles empty on the floor. One hung loosely from his hand and it looked to be a little less than half-filled. You slipped off your Mary Janes and went to pick up a few of the bottles off of the floor. You accidentally clinked two of them together and winced when Richard began to stir in is sleep. He fluttered his eyes open and you saw anger flash in his eyes when he saw you. He accidentally dropped the bottle of beer onto the floor. "Richard seriously!? This is carpet and it'll take forever to get the stain-"

"You're late. It's one-in-the-fucking-morning!" He glared at you and crossed his arms.

"I tried to call you but by the looks of it you were already half drunk." You seethed between clenched teeth. He tried to stand up but fell back onto the couch. "You can barely stand! You have work in the morning and you're gonna be hungover. If you don't quit you're gonna lose your job and then what!?"

"That's all you care about! My job and my money. You don't even care about me, do you?! You're just in it for the money you fucking bitch!" He got up and towered over you by a good foot.

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