father!Steve x baby!Reader

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Words: 630

Warnings: None


Steve sat you down on the couch and sat in front of you on his knees. "Come on sweetheart, say 'Daddy'" He encouraged. You only giggled and poked his nose. "That's not what I asked you to do..." He sighed. Tony snickered from beside you on the couch and your dad sent him a glare before picking you up and sitting you on his lap while he sat on the couch. "Come on, sweetie...Just say 'Daddy' once." Steve groaned in frustration as you just looked at him funny.

"Just give it time, Cap'. Plus, you and I both know her first word is gonna be 'Sam'" Sam smirked while plucking you from Steve's lap.

"In your dreams, Sam." Steve scoffed. You yawned and rested your head on your uncle's shoulder. "I'm just worried, shouldn't she have said something by now? She's almost two." Steve ran a hand through his hair. Sam started gently bouncing you and you fell asleep.

"Bruce and I can do a check-up on her soon if you want," Tony said from beside Steve, searching through the channels on the Tv.

"Yeah. I'd like that. Tomorrow though, She's tired." Sam passed you onto Steve and he left to go to your shared room and put you to bed. When you were put to sleep in your crib he laid down in his bed and drifted off to sleep himself. The next morning Bruce and Tony were moving around in the lab grabbing things they needed to scan you. You were sitting on your fathers' lap when Tony came towards you with a sharp needle in his hands. "Oh no...You don't have to use that, do you?" Steve held onto you tighter and Tony frowned.

"Sorry, Steve. We need a blood sample." As if you knew what they were saying your lip started quivering and you started bawling.

"No, no, no! Shhh! It'll only take one second!" Steve panicked and hugged you tighter, which calmed you down some. While your father was gently rubbing your back you didn't even notice Tony pricking you with the needle and drawing your blood. 

A few minutes later Bruce came back with the test results saying you were perfectly fine, from the looks of it. Just stubborn. 

You were sitting with Wanda and Pietro when Bucky walked in to talk to your father about something. Your diverted your attention to Bucky and Steve and got up and began walking towards them. You had already started walking, so when Steve saw you walking towards them he thought nothing of it. You walked as fast as your stubby legs could take you before latching yourself onto Bucky's leg. He looked down and smiled before going back to talking to Steve. You tugged at his leg, indicating you wanted him to pick you up but he didn't notice. You tugged a bit harder and still nothing. Annoyed, you tugged even harder, "Bwucky." You said. Everyone in the room stopped talking and looked down at you, who was currently making grabby hands at Bucky.

"Say again? I couldn't hear ya'" Bucky leaned down to your height level.

"Bwucky!" You yelled louder. Wanda and Pietro were squealing in the corner and Tony was laughing. Not at you, but at your father.

"Jerk." He mumbled and crossed his arms. Bucky picked you up and you rested your head on his shoulder.

"Aw! Steve's jealous of 'Bwucky'!" Clint teased.

"I am not! I'm proud she said her first word that just so happened to be 'Bucky' instead of 'Daddy'" He huffs, crossing his arms and stealing you away from Bucky. "Come on, we're going to go get you something to eat." He began walking to the elevator, only stopping to groan when you continued making grabby hands at Bucky.

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