Bucky x Reader

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Words: 1770

Warnings: None


When you couldn't get yourself to sleep, it was no surprise. Nightmares took over your consciousness whenever you even thought of sleeping.  You laid staring at the ceiling thinking about anything that came to mind. I wonder what time it is? The clock on your nightstand read 1:23 AM but it was behind by quite a bit, so it was definitely later than that. The exhaustion was there, but no matter what you did you couldn't get yourself to sleep. 'Fuck it. Mind as well get something to eat.'  You dangled your legs off of the edge of the bed and walked over to your closet. You put on whatever plain shirt you grabbed first and a pair of shorts. You sulked over to your door and turned the knob. You peeked your head out of the doorway and the hallways were pitch black. "F.R.I.D.A.Y, be a dear and turn on the lights leading to the kitchen." The lights dimly lit up and you walked your way to the common room. 

You headed over to the fridge and grabbed the milk. You reached up to the cabinet and just barely got the pop-tart box from the top shelf. You grabbed a packet and popped the two Oreo pop-tarts into the toaster. As you were pouring the milk someone walked into the living room and flicked the light on. "Hey, who's in there?!" you shouted. There was a thump followed by a flurry of curse words before Bucky appeared from the door. "Oh. Hey Bucky." You went back to pouring the milk. Bucky watched as you put the milk back up and grabbed the pop-tarts from the toaster and put them onto a plate. You walked into the living room and turned on Netflix to binge watch Parks and Recreation again. You only noticed Bucky had followed you into the room when he sat next to you. "Why are you up so late?" You asked softly.

"Nightmares. You?"

"Same deal." Netflix was taking forever to load. "How are you feeling?" You took a sip of your milk and wiped the remaining liquid off of your top lip.

"I'm fine."

"You don't look fine, Buck." It was true, there were dark bags under his eyes and his hair was quite the mess. You couldn't say much though, you were the same way. As was everyone else in the tower.

"Then stop looking." The room was filled with silence as you ate your food. Bucky was watching you out of the corner of his eye when he thought you weren't looking, but you didn't really mind. You probably looked insane right now. When the Parks and Rec theme song finally began to play, Bucky sat up straighter and coughed a little to get your attention. You turned over to him.

"Yeah?" He sighed loudly and turned his head to contemplate something before he finally spoke up,

"This is gonna sound...really weird," He paused and you nodded at him, telling him to continue. "But, could you..uh...braid my hair?" He looked anywhere but you as soon as the words came out of his mouth and his face flushed a bright pink. You placed your half-eaten pop-tart onto the coffee table and pushed it forward a little.

"Of course." You smiled lightly at him as he sat criss-cross in front of you on the floor. You grabbed some of his hair and began braiding it. You braided in silence, but this time it was a calming silence. Parks and Rec played in the background and while focusing on that, you accidentally pulled his hair a little too hard and he grunted.

"Shh, stop fussing, I'm just braiding your hair." You chuckled.

"More like pullin' it out." He grumbled. 

"So...Do you wanna talk about what your nightmare was? Talking helps." Bucky was silent for a moment before he spoke up.

"It was...Just what I usually have nightmares about. I was back at Hydra. This time they had...they..." he struggled with his words and began breathing heavier.

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