Battle of Hogwarts

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This is a fic about the remembering of the battle of Hogwarts and the wars leading up to it. It' written from the point of view of The daughter of Sirius Black who was born on the 20th of October 1977. This takes place today, on the second of May 2019. Read at your own risk. I only wrote this for myself. I couldn't get it out of my head.

Today was a day many hated to remember, but here at Hogwarts we remembered it and honored every one who fought and died during that awful war, during that awful battle. I'm talking about the battle of Hogwarts, the battle that took place on the second of May 1998. On the second of May all students of Hogwarts, no matter the house, no matter the year, would be taught about that battle and the war that came before it. I am a professor at Hogwarts. I started after they restored the mighty castle. I became a professor because professor, now headmistress McGonagall requested me to become the new defense against the dark arts professor. I had lost a lot during both wars, my uncle and aunt during the first war, my father during the second and during the battle I had lost my godfather and fiancee.

On the second of May all classes were dismissed, all the students were gathered in the great hall for lunch and would stay after that, only the students who headmistress McGonagall had dismissed didn't have to stay. The students would be told about the battle and those who fought and those who died, they would be told about the war that had let to the war. Headmistress McGonagall had asked me to tell the story to the students as I had been in both wars. Even if I had been very young during the first war, I was only four when Voldemort had gone into hiding. I didn't prepare for it, there was no use in preparing.

I was sitting at the teachers' table, I couldn't eat. I watched the students, they knew what would come, and I noticed how those who had been old enough to be a part of it weren't eating either. Headmistress McGonagall stood up and got the attention. I looked at the teachers' table none of us had eaten. McGonagall told them what would happen, what would be told, and what would be expected from them during it. She called me over and I stood in front of the students.

"I will not lie, I'm not going to make it any better than it was, I won't make one person the hero, because there was no hero, there were many who were responsible for the downfall of Voldemort, get used to hearing his name because you will hear it a lot in the coming hour or so.''

I looked around the great hall before taking a deep breath.

''It started a few years before the person all of you see as the hero was born. It had already started before I was born. Voldemort started small, getting followers, scaring people. Not many saw him as a thread in the beginning, just another wizard who wanted to rule, there had been many and not many of them succeeded, why would he?

That was clearly a mistake. Like many mistakes that would come after that. Voldemort became a thread because we made mistakes. Hogwarts was untouched by Voldemort gaining power, and the students who would be sent out in the world were a war was rising weren't informed of that rising war. But why would they everyone knew what was going on, people were turning, got killed or were hiding. I remember being told that the seventh years weren't looking forward to leaving, knowing that they would be thrown into war, and I know that many teachers regret not preparing the students better, blaming themselves for those who were killed during the first war.

But what could they do? The first war took more lives than the second. Voldemort didn't hold back, he thought he was unstoppable, and he seemed to be. The first order of the phoenix was created to put a stop to Voldemort and his growing army of death eaters.

The order was created in many joined that order, Caradoc Dearborn who Disappeared during the height of the first wizarding war ; his body was never found, but he was presumed dead. BenjyFenwick who was Murdered/mutilated during the First Wizarding War. Edgar Boneswho was Murdered by during the First Wizarding Waralong with his wife and children. Dorcas Meadowes who was Murdered byLord Voldemort in the First Wizarding War. Fabian and Gideon Prewett who Foughtand were murdered in the First Wizarding War by five Death Eaters, includingAntonin Dolohov. Alice and Frank Longbottom who Fought in the ; were tortured intoinsanity using the Cruciatus Curse by Barty Crouch Jr, Rodolphus, Rabastan and BellatrixLestrange at the end of the conflict. Marlene McKinnon who was Murdered alongwith her in the First Wizarding War by DeathEaters, including Travers. And James and Lily Potter fought in the first warand were forged to go into hiding because of the prophecy that could have beenabout their son.

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