chapter sixteen: he's insane

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This had Stiles, written all over it. When I noticed he was missing I ran to the front of the building and watched as a familiar looking boy got wheeled past me. "Isaac?" I asked.

"Brooke." I turned to see Allison.

"What the hell is going on?" I asked.

"You need to find Scott." Allison said. 

I started walking toward the front door and saw Scott and Derek coming in. 

"Scott." I said.

"We need to talk." He said.

"What's going on? What happened to Isaac? Where's my brother?" I asked.

"I don't know how to explain it." Scott said.

"Short version. Your brother is possessed by a dark spirit, he did all this." Derek said.

"Are you serious?" I asked.

"Brooke, let's get you home." Scott said.

"Does my dad know?" I asked.


"Good. Keep it that way." I said.

"You have to tell him. You have to tell Stilinski what's really wrong with Stiles." 


The next morning before school Melissa took Scott and I to see Isaac and we found Allison sleeping outside, Scott shook her lightly.

"Have you been here all night?" I asked.

"Yeah, they won't let me see him because I'm not family. I told them he doesn't have any." Allison said.

"He's got us. And I've got a key card." Melissa said, swiping it. "Be quick."

When we walked in he looked horrible, the machines, the wires, the burns. I gasped for air.

Allison grabbed Scott's hand and stole his attention for a second, and I rolled my eyes.

Who is it? Scott or Isaac?

"I thought he'd be healing by now." I said.

"So did I." He said.

Scott rested his hand on his arm to try and feel his pain.

"Is he in pain?" Allison asked.

Scott nodded as he gripped Isaac's arm tighter and took a sharp inhale. He was taking his pain.

"It won't heal him, but it helps with the pain." He siad.

"Did Stiles really do this?" Allison asked.

"Whatever's controlling him did it. Whatever's inside him." Scott said.

"Well, then how do we get whatever's inside of him the hell out of him?" Allison asked.

"I'm working on it." Scott said.

Melissa came in to tell us it was time to go and I stayed back an extra second alone with Isaac.

"I dont know if you can hear me, but just in case you can. I miss you. I wanna see your blue eyes. Just come back to us." I said.

I squeezed his hand lightly before leaving.

"Brooke, can I-?" Allison said and I turned into her and grabbed her hard.

"I never wanna fight with you again. Things happen and if you die or I die and we're fighting I will hate myself forever. I love you, you're my best friend, my sister." I cried.

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