chapter nine: i know ya do

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Stiles and I were roaming the halls talking about everything when we finally crossed paths with Scott.

"Sorry... Hey, dude, where the hell have you been?" Stiles said running  up to Scott as Lydia came in hot around the corner.

"The police are leaving. Why are they leaving?" Lydia asked.

"The police?" Scott questioned, completely out of the loop.

"They must have cleared the building and grounds, which means he's not here." I said.

"Who? What are you guys--" Scott started but was cut off.

"He has to be here. That sound, the buzzing I've been hearing? It's getting louder." Lydia said.

"How loud?" Stiles asked, in response to which Lydia closed her eyes as if she was fighting it off.

"Ah crap.." I said, grabbing Lydia's hand and began running down the hallway with her and my brother.

We had barely made it when he was walking down the front stairs.

"Dad! Dad!" I called catching up to him with my brother hot on my trail.

"Yeah?" He stopped.

"You can't leave yet." My brother said.  

"We got an eyewitness that puts Barrow by the train station." My dad said.

"Let's go, Stilinski." Rafael said as he was walking away.

"Whoa, whoa. Dad, please just Lydia said that he's still here." I said.

"Did she see him?" He asked.

"Not exactly. No." I said.

"Well, not at all actually. But she has a feeling." Stiles said and my dad looked unammused.

"A supernatural feeling." I added.

My dad stopped and looked over at Lydia leaned against the door. "Lydia wasn't on the chessboard." He said.

"She is now." Stiles said.

"Kanima?" My dad asked.

"Um, Banshee." My brother replied.

"Oh, God. Really?" My dad said looking up to the sky.

"I know. I know how it sounds. But basically it means that she can sense when someone's close to death." Stiles said.

"Can she sense that I'm about to kill you?" My dad whispered.

"I don't know." Stiles said, looking over his shoulder at her, to which Lydia replied with a cute smile and wave.

"All right, look, I'm not saying I don't believe, but right now, I'm going with eyewitness over Banshee. We're leaving a few deputies here. The school's on lockdown till 3:00. Nobody comes in, nobody goes out. Guys, that's the best I've got right now. That's the best I can give you." My dad said, backing away into a jog.

"You're leaving us here, that is not--"

"That is the worst!" My brother overlapped me.

"Oh my.." I said walking back to Lydia. 

"Well?" Lydia asked.

"I've got a plan." My brother said.

"Oh god, help us all." I said, grabbing Lydia and dialing Allison's phone number as Stiles called Scott.

Lydia, Stiles and I met up with Allie in an empty classroom to discuss her part of the plan.

"The Bestiary is literally If I'm going to find anything about flies coming out of people's bodies, it could take me all night." Allison said as she opened the window to sneak out of.

"And remember, the word in archaic Latin for fly is musca." Lydia said.

"Got it." Allsion replied as she made her run for it.

"Where do we start?" Lydia turned to my brother and I.

"Upstairs" I said.

My brother glanced at the clock and noticed the time, "We gotta go." He barely mumbled before rushing us out of the room.

We got up to the art room and started looking around for anything suspicious.

"Scott and Isaac are in the basement, right?" Lydia asked.

"Yeah, with Ethan and Aiden." I said.

"The plan is they meet in the middle, in the boiler room." Stiles said, peeking under a desk.

Lydia's eyes wandered to a picture of an explosion on the wall and we had the same idea.

"All of the wolves All of the ones with glowing eyes are in the basement at the boiler room?" I asked.

"Oh, my God! An engineer could use a boiler room to blow up the whole school." Stiles said.

"We have to get them out of there." Lydia said.

"We have to get everyone out." I said.

"How do we do that?" Lydia asked.

"I have an idea." I said, looking to Stiles. "You're not gonna like it."

"What? Why?"

"You gotta oull the fire alarm."

"Are you kidding me? That is genius!" Stiles said running down the hall and yanking it as Lydia and I stood there.

He started doing a happy dance as people started evacuating when Coach showed up over his shoulder.

Coach grabbed his ear and started pulling him out the door, Lydia and I following close behind. "Pulling a fire alarm on Mischief Night is one thing. Doing it when there's a mass murderer spotted nearby is insane! If I was four years younger, I'd punch you." Coach rambled.

"What? Coach, that doesn't make sense." Stiles said.

"Oh, well, it does to me!" He said, walking away as Lydia, Stiles, and I scanned the area for our friends.

"There," I said, spotting Isaac.

"We didn't find anything." Aiden said as we caught up to each other.

"Not even a scent." Scott said.

"It's 3:00, so school's over. If there was a bomb, wouldn't he have set it off by now?" Stiles said.

"Does that mean everybody's safe?" Ethan asked.

"I don't know. I just... I don't know." Lydia said.

"Alright, everyone's out. So let's take that for now and get outta here." I said.

"Kira's dad invited me to dinner, so I should probably go." Scott said.

"What?" I asked with excitement.

"See! Told you! You're the hot girl!" Stiles said and everyone looked at him. "See, I realized that's weird because it's her dad.. Yeah come on Brooke, let's go." He said, walking away.

The group dispersed and left me and Isaac.

"I'll text you?" He smiled.

"You better." I said, hurrying to catch up with Lydia.

"Look at you." She hip bumped me.

"I learn from the best." I said, fake bowing to her.

"Lydia." My brother called. "You still coming over?" He asked.

"Mhm." She said and he got in the Jeep.

"And the best keeps getting better." I smiled, running off.

"I know where you live Stlinski!" Lydia said.

"Yeah." I said, shifting my eyes to Stiles. "I know ya do." I said, winking at her before hopping in the Jeep.

"What was that about?" Stiles asked.

"What?" I asked.

"The giggly celebration and smiles." He said.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I said, fastening my seat belt.

Stiles looked at me for a minute before starting the Jeep, "God, girls are confusing."

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