Someone Brave

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COLLEGE! My, my! Who would've thought it would've got me? I got a job at a horse barn! :D Yay! But I've been SUPER busy! Which kind of explains the awkward cutoff point for this chapter. But yeah. Please let me know how you like it and vote for it!! Thanks!


“Shouldn’t we knock?” I asked Peter as he reached for the front door handle. He was about to answer when the door itself swung wide open. Warm yellow light washed over us and the rest of the front step.

“What are you doing out in the cold? C’mon in!” Leo burst once he saw us standing before his front door.

We entered his house, a large domain, and were led down two stories to the basement. It was a big room with several armchairs, gamechairs, and couches to rest on. The floor was split; wood flooring in the first half, where a Foosball table, Ping-Pong table, and Pool table all rested, and a carpeted half, where most of the seating was located around an enormous television screen.

“Pretty neat, eh?” Leo smiled. “Parent’s upgraded to a small theater sized screen and a projector. We already had the overhead and surround sound, so now we have a home theater.”

“Doesn’t the noise bother them?” I blurted without thinking.

He gazed at me and shook his head. “People like us don’t bother risking that. Every single wall in this house is soundproof. It got so bad that Mom had to have an intercom system installed just to get everyone around for supper.”

“Speaking of everyone,” Peter interrupted. “I thought you said the guys and Mar were gonna be here.”

“Chill, Pete.” Leo motioned to a foggy glass door. “They all went swimmin’.”

It was then that I noticed the swimming trunks he was wearing. My shoulders sagged. But he held up his hands, shaking his head.

“No worries you two. Peter, we still have the extra pair of trunks with your name on ‘em, and Molly, you look small enough to fit into Lilly’s suit. You’re okay with one pieces, right?”

“Uh,” I said stupidly. “Yeah?”

He clapped his hands together, a loud noise that made me flinch. “Great! You can come with me and I’ll show you her room, and Peter, you know where to find everything.”

Peter nodded grudgingly and stalked off down a hallway. I hoped he would loosen up and have some fun; he hadn’t been out much since the previous August.

Meanwhile, Leo led me up three flights of stairs and past many doors before finally opening one in the middle of a well lit hallway. “In here real quick,” he said.

I stepped through the door and stopped so quick he bumped into me.

“This is a bathroom.” I said, observing the room larger than my bedroom.

“Well, yeah.” Leo said, stepping past me and sitting on a sofa that rested against an open wall between a shower that was big enough to dance in and a whirlpool tub. “I thought you might appreciate the opportunity to sort of...wash up.”

I frowned. What the heck did he mean? Why would I appreciate--I jumped at my own reflection in the mirror above the sink beside me. Makeup smudged, tear streaked, and red faced, I was staring at a horrific sight.

“Oh my goodness,” I said to myself. Peter’s hat still fit snugly on my head but my hair seemed to have a mind of it’s own, tangled this way and that. “What happened to me?”

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