Chapter Thirty Eight

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*Kieran Reed*

I despise routines. I hate having to sit still in a room for countless hours everyday. I had lost count of how many days I had been in Iron Labs, I just knew that something was different now. I have nobody to talk to. I'm forced to sit still until I have a panic attack. Weird women and men dressed in white lab coats drug me and test me. It's nights like those where I can pretend nothing is happening and that I'm fine. That's my routine, and I hate it, but I have to follow it.

But I don't want my routine to break, because the only time my routine is ever broken is when they don't put me under while performing tests on me. They jab me with needles and force me to run until I can't breathe anymore. I just run circles in the smallest space ever. They monitor my speed with a bracelet on my wrist. If I don't run fast enough, they make me do it again until I pass out or throw up. Whichever one happens first. It's the only time I ever have free reign of my powers, but even then I'm locked in a room. If I get too close to the walls my powers disappear for about five minutes.

I'm slowly going insane here. I'd already given up hope that Sabrina was going to save me. Who was I kidding? She'd never save me. The only person who got close was Kate Harris, and even then, it wasn't that close.

I think I'm pissed at Sabrina. I don't want to be. I try not to be. But I can't help it. I blame her sometimes because it's easier to blame all of this on someone and I don't think I can handle blaming it all on myself.

But I really miss her. I miss Lilith, Terrance, and Robert. I miss Kit, Aubrey, and Devin.

Most of all, I miss the guy I use to be. He's long gone now. I'm a hollowed out shell of Kieran Reed. There is no fixing me. I'm not broken. I'm just...gone.


Hey, guys! Sorry for the abnormally short chapter. I'd give you another update this week but I'm really busy. I'm vacationing in Orlando, I need to study for finals, and then go home and pack for my mom's.

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