Chapter Forty

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*Samantha Tide*

I toppled backwards as fire spread across my chest. In a split second, I was sinking in warm water, consumed in darkness and alone. The water dragged me down with the current as I struggled to reach the surface.

Air! I need air!

I opened my mouth involuntarily, taking in water. My lungs set on fire, screaming for oxygen. My head was spinning.

I can't keep fighting much longer.

I broke the surface, only for a second. I came back up again a moment later and started hacking up the water I had inhaled. I took in a shaky breath, barely able to keep my head above the water. Adrenaline stopped me from feeling in pain around my chest, but I must have lost a lot of blood. I was getting lightheaded and my vision was darkening. I'd pass out soon.

I don't want to die here.

I could see the shoreline from where I was. I tried my hardest to swim to it, but it was more like struggling not to drown while feebly trying to kick my way to shore. I couldn't even drag myself into the sand before I blacked out.


Did I really make it? Am I dead? Is this the afterlife? It feels comfortable.

I slowly opened my eyes. The room was blurry. I squinted against the light and forced myself to sit up. Where was I? I glanced down at what I was wearing, feeling violated. I was in fuzzy pajamas. Where were my clothes? Who dressed me?

I felt for the wound on my chest, surprised to find it was bandaged. A sigh left my lips. The room was modern, but nothing really stood out. The theme was white and gray. It was big and had a lot of electronics in it. Whoever lived here was rich.

My wound was sore but it didn't burn, which made me wonder how long I had been out.

The door opened, revealing a girl with long brown hair spiraling passed her waist. She looked kind of familiar, but I couldn't place who she was. She kind of reminded me of Devin because of her green eyes. Then it hit me. That was Kate Harris.

"Oh, good, you're awake," Kate said, walking into the room. She kicked the door closed behind her and set down a tray on her nightstand. I watched her flop down in a recliner some distance away. She was watching me through narrowed eyes. "We met at Sabrina's party once. I'm Kate. My aunt doesn't know I saved you from bleeding out, so please try to keep it down."

My mind felt foggy. I gave her a slow nod, trying to figure out what I wanted to ask her first.

"You're dosed up on painkillers. Sorry for drugging you, but you'd be in a lot more pain if I hadn't. I think this is the longest you've been awake. Do you know how hard it is to take care of someone whose passed out all the time?" Kate shook her head. "Ugh, I'm rambling. Please don't pass out again."

I closed my eyes for a moment as I got a head rush. "So...why did you save me?"

She shrugged. "Heroic tendencies."

I chuckled, then stopped when I started to feel sore. "You're the opposite of Devin, then."

Kate leaned forward. "I know you're Red Wave. Your hands were glowing when I found you. You're lucky it wasn't Mendoza. She probably would've brought you to Iron Labs and made you a test subject. Or killed you."

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