Chapter Nineteen

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"What the hell are you doing here?" Samantha practically spit. She looked more angry than shocked.

I glanced back at Kieran. "Kit didn't tell you?"

Aubrey ducked under Samantha's arm, which was blocking the doorway. "Tell us what? Why are you two here?"

Kieran rolled his eyes, shoving passed them to get inside. "We joined Dark Skies."

"What?!" Samantha shouted, storming after him. "Kit! Get your ass out here and explain yourself!"

Aubrey glanced between Samantha and me, then hurried after the pissed redhead. I walked inside, observing the red and black hall.

"I recruited them," Kit said as I walked inside the circular room. He threw popcorn in his mouth. "We have a few rules now. We can't commit any crimes while Kieran and Sabrina are apart of the team. We'll be taking out any other supervillains while they're members."

"What happens when we run out of villains to fight?" Samantha asked.

Kit shrugged. "We'll figure that out later."

"This is so lame," Samantha muttered before sitting down next to Kit. She ripped the popcorn bowl away from him.

"We're watching a movie before we go on patrol," Devin explained.

I glanced up at the huge screen taking up half of the far wall. The scent of popcorn mixed with leather threw me off a bit. Aubrey dragged me towards the couch, forcing me to sit between her and Kieran.

"We shouldn't-"

"Don't be a buzzkill!" Devin shouted, grabbing a fistful of popcorn and throwing it at me. Aubrey scowled when it hit her in the face. "Oops. My aim was off."

"No, it wasn't," Kit whispered to me. "Devin's mad that Aubrey took all of his pudding from the fridge."

Wow. Dark Skies was really just made up of children, and that group now included me.

"I want to watch a horror movie," Aubrey said.

Kit narrowed his eyes. "I don't."

"Too bad," Samantha said. "Majority vote rules."

"We didn't even have a vote," Kit argued.

"Alright," Samantha said. "All in favor of a horror movie, raise your hand."

Everybody except Kit and Devin raised their hand.

"See?" Samantha asked.

Devin rolled his eyes while Samantha jumped up and put in a movie. He didn't even make it five minutes into the movie before falling asleep on Kit's shoulder. He was quickly woken up when Kit screamed in his ear. Samantha looked like she was regretting her movie choice in the middle of the killer chopping up his victims while they screamed in agony.

I looked over at Aubrey and burst out laughing. She joined in, along with Kieran. We laughed for the rest of the movie while everyone else stared at us in disgust.

When the movie was over, Kit stood up. Devin clung to his arm and looked around like he thought he was about to get ax murdered. Samantha was hiding under a throw blanket.

"You three are insane," Kit muttered, pointing at Aubrey, Kieran, and me.

I grinned. "Can we go on patrol now, Weather Boy?"

"W-Weather Boy?!" Kit stammered. "Excuse me!"

"Calm down, Push Pop," Kieran added.

Kit's jaw dropped. "Hey! Those are terrible nicknames!"

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