Chapter Thirty One

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*Aubrey Burke*

Nobody wants to be the villain. Or, rather, the bad guy. Being a villain and being evil are two separate things. Villains oppose heroes. Some cause destruction, some kill, some steal.

Villains aren't always evil.

But that doesn't change the fact that I wanted to change. I couldn't live with myself after what I did to Samantha. I took a deep breath and stared out at the river for a second, still in disbelief that I had just killed my friend.

I didn't want to turn my back on Kit or Devin, but I couldn't be the bad guy.

When I got back to Dark Skies, I suited up and packed my things. Sabrina was already gone. Devin and Kit were asleep on the couch, so I wouldn't have to worry about saying goodbye.

I didn't have much. Just my suit and my bag. I'd probably patrol the city one more time before I stopped for good. We hadn't done much patrolling since Kieran and Sabrina left, but I still felt the urge to every day. It had become a routine.

I walked out of Dark Skies, feeling like a piece of me just died. I wouldn't ever be back, and that broke me all over again. I didn't know how much more heartbreak I could take in one day.

I took the west side of the city, looking for any crimes to stop while leaping across rooftop to rooftop. I felt extremely thankful for my enhanced agility, knowing that I would have fallen off if I didn't have them.

I just stopped to scout the area when a green streak appeared in the sky. Green Light landed in front of me in the perfect heroic stance, one hand on her hip. Her tacky uniform was too flashy for my taste, and she looked like a watermelon with her pastel pink hair. Her expression was icy.

"Well?" she prompted.

"Well, what?" I asked.

"What kind of atrocious crime are you committing tonight?" she questioned. "Burglary? Grand theft auto? Robbery?"

"Do I look like Viper to you?" I shot back. "I'm not a criminal anymore. I haven't committed any crimes...Well, I did steal from Natalia Mendoza, but it was more or less to send a message to her."

Green Light's expression softened some, from hate to wariness. "You shouldn't mess with Natalia Mendoza. She easily found out my identity and blackmailed me. I bet she'll do the same to you."

I looked down. "She's the real bad guy. Not me, not Dark Skies. It's always been her." Tears filled my eyes as I thought of Samantha.

"I know," Green Light muttered. She glanced up at me, and her wariness slipped into worry. "Are you okay? Why are you crying?"

I choked down a sob. My mask wouldn't permit me to wipe my tears away. "Red Wave tried to kill Blue Blur."

Shock and regret came off of Green Light in waves. "What?! Is she okay?!"

"No!" I sobbed, burying my face in my hands. "She could have died because of Red Wave!"

Green Light hesitated before placing a hand on my shoulder. "What happened after that?"

I sniffled and tried to pull myself together. I looked up at Green Light and met her eyes. "I...I shot her. I killed my friend. I chose Blue Blur over her. I never should have done that. I could have come up with another solution. The guilt is killing me. If you're here to apprehend me, just do it already. I deserve it."

Green Light shook her head. " No. I'm not going to try to take you in."

"I'm leaving Dark Skies, so you won't have to worry about me anymore. I'm not going to keep hurting people. I'll never be able to make up for what I've done, but this is the best I can do."

Green Light stared at me for a long lapse of silence. "You're redeemable, Aphrodite, but running away from your problems won't solve a single thing."

"What do you mean?"

"You can help people. You can make up for what you've done. You can be a hero." Green Light extended her hand. "If you really want to change, start here. Join Night."

I hesitated. I knew that this would be the ultimate betrayal to Kit and Devin. To Sabrina. I told her in the beginning that I practically despised Night.

But I couldn't think of them at this moment. I could only think about how much I wanted to change. Deep down, I did want to help people, and I always have.

It's time to decide who I want to be. Hero or villain. There is no in between. I can make up for what I've done or live with the guilt for the rest of my life. I have to choose. Right now.

I took Green Light's hand.


Silver and Gold were strange on another level. They could share a look and know what the other was thinking. Gold was extroverted and kind while Silver seemed more introverted and judgmental. I met them the next morning, and it was transparent that Silver didn't like me. If Gold didn't, she didn't show it. I still wasn't even sure what all of their powers were.

The warehouse was disgusting. It was practically empty and run down. The place looked like it would collapse soon, and the inside was filthy. It made me miss Dark Skies, but I tried to block that out.

I wasn't sure if I could ever call myself a hero. Sure, I was pretending to be one, but deep down I was just a scared little girl. I knew deep down that this wasn't going to make up for what I'd done. I'd always be the bad guy deep down.

I missed Sabrina, Kit, and Devin. I even missed Kieran. I still couldn't think about Samantha without crying.

All I ever wanted was a family, and they were my family. But this city ripped everything away from me. I couldn't have a family. I couldn't have happiness.

This city would never let anyone have happiness.

My mother had been gone since before I could remember. I wanted to reach out to her and find her, but I couldn't bring myself to do it. She left for a reason. She didn't want me.

My dad was always gone too. It was rare to see him more than three times a week. I guess I should have been grateful. Sabrina was lucky to see her father more than three times a month.

I wish I could still talk to Sabrina, but she changed as soon as Kieran left. She wasn't the same anymore. Maybe one day she'd be back to her normal self was the only thing that kept me going.

I'm different too now, and I hate myself for it. I hate change. But the only thing certain in life is change, isn't it?

Iron Beach wasn't safe. Not with Mendoza ruling it. Not with supervillains running rampant, hellbent on destroying people. Iron Beach was brewing with corruption, crime, and pain. I longed to leave, but I couldn't. I was still clinging onto the idea that things would change.

I jumped when my phone started ringing. I excused myself and walked outside the warehouse before accepting a call from my father. For some reason, I smiled. Maybe things would get better if my dad was taking the time out of his day to talk to me.

"Hey, Dad, what's up?" I asked cheerfully.

My father's voice cracked as he spoke. I'd never heard him speak like that before. It send a chill racing through me. "Lilith Flynn was just murdered."

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