Chapter 12

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I woke up to an empty bed, so I sat up and just sat there remembering last night. I smiled at the thought and soon I heard the door open causing me to look and saw Yoongi walking causing me to smile bigger.

"Good morning baby girl." He said showing his gummy smile.

"Good morning Yoongi." I greeted.

"How did you sleep?" He asked me smirking.

"I slept great." I told him.

"What did you dream about?" He asked still smirking.

"I dreamed about you." I said seductively without realizing.

"If you continue talking like that I won't be able to control myself." He said, licking his lips. I started breathing heavily and he must have noticed what he caused and he licked his lips and walked closer to me. I bit my lip and he leaned down and started kissing me. He pushed me back and hovered over me. He started kissing me passionately and I kissed him back. He then pulled away and looked at me.

"I know you want me, but I know you're sore from last night." He told me. He was right, I am sore from what we did last night. He got off of me and stood up.

"I'm going to trust you and bring you to the store with me baby girl." He told me.

"Okay you can trust me Yoongi." I said. He gave me some clothes to change into, so I stood up and went into the bathroom to change. While I was changing, Yoongi walked in and wrapped his arms around my waist and put his head on my shoulder.

"Shame we have to go somewhere or I'll be enjoying seeing you strip for me." He whispered, seductively in my ear causing me to get butterflies in my stomach. When I finally finished getting changed, I went into the bedroom and waited for Yoongi to come in. When he walked in, he grabbed my hand and we walked out hand in hand. We walked to his car and got in. Yoongi got in the driver's seat and started the car and started heading to the store.

15 minutes later

We soon arrived at the store and got out of the car. We started heading inside and Yoongi then went to get the stuff that he needed to get. While we were walking in an aisle, I heard my name being called.

"Y/N, where have you been?" Mina asked me.

"Oh um I've been sick." I lied.

"But how come you didn't answer my texts?" She asked.

"I lost my charger and my phone died."

I hated lying to her but Yoongi would get angry if I tell her.

"Oh okay, well I have to go, I hope I see you at school tomorrow." She said as she left.

"Good girl." Yoongi said. We then went back to shopping and soon he got everything he needed and went to pay for everything. Once everything was paid for, we left the store and put the stuff in the car and got in the left to go home.

10 minutes later

We soon arrived home and took everything inside. After we put everything away, I went upstairs to the bedroom and laid down on the bed. While I was on the bed, I was thinking about how I lied to Mina.

"I'm sorry Mina." I said to myself. The door then opened and Yoongi walked into the room. He smiled once he saw me.

"There's my good girl." He said, while walking towards me. All I did was smile at him, and turning my head away. He then sat on the bed in front of me and put his finger under my chin making me look at him.

"I know you didn't want to lie to her but you had to, because if you didn't she'll have you taken away from me but I love you too much to have that happen." He said while looking me in the eyes. My heart was beating faster when he said he loved me. He then kissed me passionately and I kissed back without hesitation.

He pulled away and left the room and I changed into pajamas and laid back down in the bed. I decided to sleep because I wasn't hungry. So, I closed my eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

Can't Live Without You // Min Yoongi ✔️Where stories live. Discover now