Chapter 10

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"You wouldn't like if she did, would you?" Mina giggled as Uraraka sighed. "No, but what should I do?" Uraraka asked curiously, Mina shrugged and said, "Just tell him what I told you?" Uraraka nodded and turned around to walk over to her own dorm.

Uraraka made it to her dorm and went inside and sat down, she started to think if she should tell him in person or through text. But she decided to just go downstairs and get a snack. When she was walking to the kitchen she saw Bakugou sitting at the couch on his phone. She thought that this was the perfect chance to tell him about that girl.

"Hey Bakugou!" She walked over to him and sat down beside him. "Do you need something round face?" She shook her head in 'no', "Not really, I just wanted to tell you something that Mina told me."

Bakugou looked up from his phone and looked at Uraraka. "When we were walking together today, Mina noticed that there was some girl starting at us?" Uraraka said as Bakugou made a weird look on his face. "The fuck? Did raccoon eyes tell you who it was?"

Uraraka shook her head again. "She said it's someone from here, but she doesn't know exactly who it is."

He rolled his eyes and looked down at his phone before looking back at Uraraka. "Do you have any idea why she'd do that?"

She shrugged, "Mina said it might be because the girl likes you or something?"

That seemed to make Bakugou laugh, "I don't think anyone would like me though." This was a lie, because obviously Uraraka liked him, she was quiet for a second and said, "Or she could just like you because your cute?"

Bakugou blushed a little and looked away, he let out a 'tch' as he said. "Are you saying I am?"

Uraraka's cheeks changed to bright red color, "No no! Wait, I mean, I'm not saying you aren't cuz you are bu- no, I mean yes a-" She spoked quickly which made Bakugou a little irritated and he cut her off.

"-Shut up, your talking wayyyy to fast." He said as he leaned his head against the couch. "She probably does, anyway I don't really care about that."

Uraraka looked at him a bit confusedly, "Aren't you concerned that she's being a creep?"

"Eh, just one of those annoying high school girls I guess?" He said as he shrugged.

There was silence for a moment, till Uraraka broke it. "Um Bakugou?" He looked over at her but didn't say anything. "Maybe we can practice for the musical?" That made him roll his eyes, since the whole class was practicing earlier today.

"We've already practiced today." He'd say. "But maybe just the two of us? I feel like I'm just not doing as well as I want to." She responded back.

"Fine, but just to prove you're good, so you wouldn't keep complaining." He got up and she did the same.

They stared off and everything was going well. He wasn't complaining as much as he did with his other classmates which made Uraraka happy. She was enjoying herself, before she knew it they finished practicing all the songs they've had together.

"Thank you Bakugou! I really appreciate it!" She said as she gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and skipped off to her dorm. Bakugou's face went all red and embarrassed, he stood there in shock for a moment. He placed his hand on the cheek she kissed, he was feeling all kinds of emotions.

// Uraraka's POV //

I got to my dorm and shut the door quickly, I can't believe I did that! I flopped down on the bed and put a pillow over my face, what if I just made him feel awkward? What it he hates me now? Maybe I should text him and apologize? It'll be too awkward if I apologise in person, but what would I write??

I took my phone and went on our texts, I just need to be nice and simple.

Uraraka : hey Baku! sowee if I made u awkward earlier, im not sure y I did that haha xD

It said seen under the message I've sent. Well it's good that he saw it, he'll probably not respond.

Angry boi : don't be, it's okay lmao.

I heard a little ding noise come from my phone, I guess he responded?

I looked at what he sent, and I'm actually shocked he's so chill about it. Bakugou usually is the least chill person in our class, but I am glad he didn't go off at me hahaaa..

// Third POV //

Bakugou was chilling in his dorm, he was still a little shocked by what Uraraka did earlier, but he didn't mind it much. He just thought of it as her just being her happy bubbly self.

It was good for them to practice though, since they would have to actually preform for the musical soon.

// A/N //

heyyy peeps! Sorry it's a short one, but I'll be trying to update twice a week, this chapter was supposed to be longer, but I lost half of it TwT I'll hopefully update again on Monday! Alsoooo ty all for 1k views!!! <3

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