Chapter 8

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// Bakugou's POV //

Fuck.. fuck.. fuck! I just fucking kissed round face, now her dumbass will think I fucking like her. I flopped down on my bed and grunted. Her lips were so soft, they tasted like strawberries. What if the kiss lasted longer? Fuck why am I thinking that!! Why the hell did I enjoy that stupid kiss. And why am I fucking questioning myself?! What the fuck did she do to me.

// Uraraka's POV //

I couldn't sleep well last night, as much as I wanted to sleep in a little, I still had to do my morning work out. Everything was going as normal until my thoughts drifted off to Bakugou, I tried my best not to think about him but I had to end my workout early because I couldn't focus.

I need to talk to him about last night, if I don't talk to him then I wouldn't be able to focus, and that's no good. I got ready for school and decided to walk with Mina and tell her about what had happened.

"Woah girl! You two kissed?!?!' Mina yelled and I tried to cover up her mouth but somehow you could still hear her. "Mina!!! Don't be loud about it!! Please!" I quietly asked her and sighed. "Sorry sorry! But did you like it~?" Mina nudged me in my shoulder as I blushed. "Y-yeah? Um maybe? Aaaa! I dunno!" I said as I covered my face to hide my blushing face. In all honesty I really did enjoy it, but he probably didn't. "Hehe, of course you did! He's a good kisser ain't he?" Mina would ask while looking over at me and laughing. "Anyway! Should I ask him if he enjoyed it? Or ask him if he ment it more than just a 'how to kiss' kiss?" I asked Mina as she thought for a moment. "I can ask for you!" Mina said and I gave her confused look. "Well I can just say I saw you two or something?" I slightly nodded and she gave me a thumbs up. "When will you talk to him?" I asked. "Before class hehe!"

// Bakugou's POV //

I got to school by myself instead of going with shitty hair, didn't want to deal with his dumbass today. Before I could enter my class fucking raccoon eyes (aa I don't remember what he calls her sowee) stopped in front of me. "What the hell do you want extra!?" She fucking laughed at my face. "I saw you and Uraraka do a little something yesterday~" I could feel my face heat up, "What the hell are you talking about?!" She laughed again. "Your guys' kiss, hehe." She was being so fucking annoying. "Tch."
Raccoon eyes then smirked and asked, "Did you enjoy it?" My face was probably the darkest fucking red it could be, I looked away and went inside the class hoping she wouldn't follow me.

// No one's POV //

Bakugou stormed into class, Mina then followed him and sat down next to him. "That isn't your seat." He said, giving her a death glare. "I know! But you still haven't answered my question!"
He rolled his eyes at her. "Its non of your dumb business to know that I enjoyed that fucking kiss." Mina's eyes widened. "So you did!!!??" Bakugou froze for a second, realizing what he just said. "No that's not what I meant to say! Fuck." Mina giggled and skipped over to her actual desk.

It wasn't long till other students were coming in as the class started. It was a pretty normal day, but after school they were all going to an auditorium to practice for the musical all together and try on their costumes. The boys were struggling to put on their costumes but the girls found it fun to put these old time dresses. 

// Ochako's POV //

Everyone was talking about the musical as some were still changing, Present Mic then pulled me and Bakugou aside.

He told us that we didn't have to 'kiss' for the wedding part. He decided to show us ways to fake a kiss, which was way less awkward then us two having to kiss. Although I wanted to kiss him again, I knew it was for the best if we didn't.

We all started our practice, we we're able to watch from the cameras, and Bakugou seemed so good at acting and singing, I was kind of shocked. He's practiced with me before but with others he seemed really good!

"Checking out your man's?" Mina asked as she smirked. "Um wha? Haha..nope!" I laughed awkwardly, I kind of was, but I was also looking at everyone else ! "Hehe, you should talk to him more." Mina suggested. Maybe I should, then if I get to know him better he'll maybe start to like me. "Yeah! But that's a little hard." Mina put a finger on her chin and thought for a moment, "Just be natural! Everything will work out then!" I sighed. That'll be tough but I can always try.

After a little bit it was the song I was with Bakugou in. I really wanted to sing it well and preform well in front of him, and so I did my best!

He picked me up and spun me around as I stared into his crimson eyes and smiled. He seemed happy, but maybe that was just him in character, who knows.

Before I knew it, it was time for the 'kiss'. I was wearing a wedding dress that I was going to wear when we were going to actually preform it. As he got closer and stared into my brown doe eyes he put his hand on my cheek and leaned his face closer to me. He turned my face a little and put his other hand on my other cheek. We just stood like that until I heard Present Mic, "Bravo! That was very on point!"

I actually thought he was going to kiss me again. I guess not.

// A/N //

Sorry this one's a little short! I've been trying to update every week on the weekend / Monday !! Also, any suggestions on who should be Maria?? Also thank you all some much for over 500 views!!!! <3

I usually check my spelling errors but forgot to on this one, so if smth didn't make sense that's why! But I've fixed it now :)

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