Chapter 9

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// Bakugou's POV //

What the fuck? Why does faking a kiss felt more awkward then actually kissing round face? She just stared at me like a stupid idiot. Maybe when we perform it would be best for me to just fucking kiss her again.

I was about to go to the bathroom before I heard someone call my name, I ignored it but then they fucking punched me in the shoulder, "What the fuck?" The earphone girl was standing there. What the hell did she want? "Where are you going? We're going to do our part soon, dumbass." I gave her an annoyed look, "We don't got a part together, now leave me the fuck alone." And so I went to the bathroom, although when I came back dunce face was standing outside the door and started yelling at me. "Gee! How long does it take you to poo? We've been waiting for you!" I pushed him out of the fucking way and walked towards Present Mic. "So dunce face said you've been waiting for me?" Present Mic nodded, "Yes! You and Jirou will be singing together, how lovely." I heard dunce face yell in the background, "It's not!" Have to do some lovey dovey shit again. I looked at the lyrics so I would know which song it was. (Let's say they made the song more family friendly ùwú) I came over to the stage and we sang we the shit we had to. I expected earphone girl to be better at singing since she likes music and shit like that so much. But she wasn't really. I felt really irritated that I had to sing such a song with her.

I went backstage and got a water bottle and sat down at one of he chairs they had there. It wasn't long til some extra sat down next to me. I turned my head and said, "Extra, get your ass up and sit somewhere el-" I paused for a moment and noticed it was round face, wow now I feel like shithead for calling her an extra. "Oh! Sorry Bakugou! I'll go sit somewhere else." I let out a 'tch'. "Never mind." I rolled my eyes and looked down at my phone. "Oh? Okay then!" She hoped back down. "You did pretty good out there!" Shit, now's she trying to make small talk. Without lifting my head up I said, "Of course I did."

// Ochako's POV //

"Of course I did." Was all he said. Hm, I guess he's not that interested in talking to me. I let out a sigh and looked down at my fingertips, I glanced up at him and then his water. Maybe we could have a little fun, hehe! I quickly snatched his water and waited for him to react, he glanced over at me. "What the hell round face? Give me my damn water back!" I giggled as I made it float up in the air. "Get it yourself, sir!" His face told me he didn't find this funny, but it was funny to me. And since the ceiling was so high he couldn't reach it, he kept jumping up like a kid but it was obvious he couldn't reach it. Then suddenly he turned to me and pushed me a little towards the wall. I was a little confused, but I'm guessing he's about to threaten me in some stupid way, hehe. His crimson eyes were starting into my brown doe ones, he whispered. "You sure like to play games, huh?" I gave him a bit of a confused nod and he said, "Well how about we play my game, hmm?" I giggled a little, he tried to sound so serious, but he sort of sounded like a kid. "Why the fuck are you laughing?" I shrugged as I saw Mina walking by, she then noticed me and yelled, "Hey love birds! Are ya two busy?" My face started to heat up, I then realized that Bakugou basically pinned me to the wall, so I pushed him away and quietly yelled. "Nope! Not at all!" Mina giggled and just nodded as she walked off. I sat back down and looked over at Bakugou who also seemed embarrassed. His face looked cute, all embarrassed like that. I whispered 'release' and the water slowly went down to him, he grabbed it quickly and walked off. I sighed.

Soon enough everyone was done. And we we're supposed to head back to the dorms. Maybe I can try to walk with him? No.. maybe he'll think I'm a creep, so I'll go walk with Mina. As I walked over to where she was, I saw that she's standing with Kirishima and Sero. I'm guessing they're all walking together so I won't bother them. I started walking to the dorms, I felt a hand pull on my wrist. I turned around to see Bakugou. "Huh?" He let go and said, "Oi, why are you by yourself? Aren't you always with that shit Deku?" I nodded slightly, "Usually, I didn't feel like it today though." I started to walk again and he followed, "Did he do somethin shitty?" I shook my head. "No no! I just wanted some time to think, y'know?" It went quiet for a moment, until he spoke again. "So am I bothering you?" I shook my head again, "No!" He rolled his eyes at me. "Jeez you don't have to yell all the damn time." That made me laugh, he's always the one yelling for no reason. While I'm just trying to sound optimistic! "Hey! Your the one who always yells for no reason!" He gave me an annoyed look, "So what did ya wanna think about?" To be honest, it was none of his business to know about what I thought. But I did kind of want to talk about it to someone who wasn't Mina. "Well it's just like- it's something everyone goes through." "Which is?" He asked. "Oh, um- I just kind of like someone I guess?" He thought for a moment before saying, "Huh. I think I know who you like then." Surprisingly he's been talking calmly towards me, but when I heard him say that I started to blush a little. Did I really make it that obvious?? "Haha- who..?" I asked quietly. "It's Deku, ain't it? That's why your not walking with him?" He said as I started to do weird hand motions, "No! No! It's not him!" He looked straight at me, "Then who, round face?" I gulped, this would be the perfect moment for me to tell him, "It's kind of hard to say, but-" "-Hiya!!! Sorry to snatch Uraraka from you but I need her for something!" I tried to say as I got cut off by Mina as she pulled me away. 

Mina dragged me to the dorms' kitchen. "What was that about?" I asked. "I saw a creppo starting at you two!" Mina exclaimed as I looked at her confusedly, trying to understand if she was serious. "Um okay? Do you know who?" She put a finger on her chin. "I'm not sure who, but someone who goes to UA for sure." I looked down at the floor for a moment, Mina went quiet till she spoke again. "I think it's some girl who wants to snatch Bakugou." I lifted my head up right away and looked at her, "What..?"

Aaah!! Thank you guys for 1k views!! Wow, I didn't expect that many people to read this!! I'm trying my best to update every week, should I try to update twice a week? School's kinda tough but I can try to!

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