Chapter 2

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" Gah! Gee! Don't scare me like that! " Uraraka said as she looked back at him.

"My bad. So what exactly do we have to do? "

"Uh, well we have to write the ups and downs of our quirk's right? "

"I know."

"Well okay, here's my number." Uraraka quickly wrote her number down on a sticky note, Bakugou then took it and started to walk away. Uraraka said for him to wait but he just ignored her instead, so she grabbed his wrist, " I said wait. "

"Why the fuck would I wait for you?"  Bakugou asked as he stared her down.

"Aizawa said we need to spend time with each other, so be it."

"There's no way in hell I'm walking with you, round face." Uraraka stood there quietly thinking of what to say, but she decided to just keep quiet and walk back to the dorms by herself.

"Where are you going? " Bakugou asked, but this time he was the one who got ignored.


When Uraraka finally made it to her dorm, she took a quick shower. She sat down on her bed and started thinking of how much of a struggle it would be to deal with Bakugou, especially getting the assignment done. She always knew he was a good student, but she didn't think he would actually try and bother to work with her. Her thoughts were then were interrupted by a small ding noise that came from her phone.

Unknown : Round face, why did you walk of like that? Smhhh

Uraraka: Is this Bakugou..?

Unknown: No this is All might himself.

Uraraka: Haha, very funny.

Uraraka forgot that she gave him his number, but it got her a little happy when she found out he took the time to text her, she added his contact as 'Angry boi'.

Angry boi: We need to do his assignment shit.

Uraraka: Yeah! Maybe we can meet up tomorrow?

Angry boi: Uh, maybe we can go to the cafe not too far from here?

Uraraka mentally blushed a little, it sounded like a date, but she knew he didn't mean it that way.

Uraraka: Sure! Well, I'm going to get some sleep so good night!

Angry boi: Night.

Uraraka was really hyped about the whole cafe thing, she barely even slept due to thinking about it so much.  She was confused about why she even was excited, she just thought that she might have ate too much sugar.


It was the weekend so Uraraka slept in, when she woke up and looked at her phone, she realized she was flooded with messages from Bakugou. Most of them were just him yelling at the point that he was waiting already almost 20 minutes for her to arrive.

Uraraka: Oh my! I'm so so so sorry! I don't even know what cafe, and you didn't tell me the time.

Angry boi: Now you're blaming shit on me? Get here now, and here's the location of it ..

He then sent the location of the cafe and she got herself ready. She wore a cute outfit that was a tucked in green long sleeve shirt, with a white skirt and black boots to go with it.


Uraraka saw Bakugou standing by the cafe, and she walked up to him and said hi awkwardly.

"Oi, round face. Did you bring some paper?"

"Yeah, I actually did!"

"Okay let's go in then. "

They went in and asked for a table.

"A table for two lovebirds?" the employee asked.

Wow, that's ironic. Uraraka thought to herself as her face turned a light tint of pink.

"Tch were not lovebirds! And yes, a table for two."

The employee laughed a little and then lead them to their table. She gave them their menus. Bakugou started looking for something yummy to pick and then Uraraka spoke, "Hey, are you sure this is a cafe? It seems more like a restaurant."

" I searched for a damn cafe and this popped up, deal with it. "

"But everything seems so expensive.. didn't you at least look at the menu before inviting me here..?"

"Tch. Just shut up and pick something to eat. "

The employee lady came back and asked what were they getting. "Give me spicy ramen. And water for the drink. " The employee called him basic for just picking ramen and then turned to Uraraka. "Can I have the strawberry milkshake?" The employee nodded and was off to get their food and drinks ready.

"Why did you only pick a milkshake?" Bakugou asked out of curiosity. "Oh, well I just didn't want to spend too much money on the food."

"Ugh. I know it's expensive but it's not that expensive."

"It's fine really." 

The employee came back and gave them their food and drinks. "So um do you know any weaknesses to your quirk?" Uraraka asked.  "Ha, my quirk has no weaknesses to it." He replied.

"Pff of course it does. No one's quirk is perfect. Your quirk strength is based on your sweat, right?" 

"Yeah, and?"

Uraraka thought for a moment before saying, "So the more you sweat, the bigger and stronger are your explosions. But when it's winter it's harder to sweat rather than in summer or spring time. So then your ' weakness ' would be to battle during winter?"

Bakugou just stared at her for a moment before saying. "Tch, I guess your right."  Uraraka quickly wrote that down. "What about my strengths then, round face?" Bakugou asked her. "Well if you're in a warm environment then your explosions are huge! Plus the amount of damage they create!" Ochako responded said as she sort of stared at him.  Bakugou sort of gave her a look as in why are you staring at me. But at this point, Ochako was lost in her own thoughts. 

A/N :

I hope you guys liked this one! :p


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