Chapter 3

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As the sunlight fell on my eyes through the window, I could feel the warmth of thelatesummer morning. The most special moment in my life.. I would go to a school.. A wizarding school.

I opened my eyes and got out of my bed excitedly, putting on my best looking Muggle sweater and jeans. I went down to the bar for some breakfast. When i was eating it in silence, the big man, Hagrid,  walked in.

"Mornin' kid" he greeted me. "Yer ready to go?"

I looked at him and nodded happily. Of course I was ready to go! I ran upstairs to get my trunk out of my room, thanked Tom the bar keeperI had been allowed to stay her for so long, and then walked back to Hagrid.

We walked outside and I saw his big motorcycle again,  he helped my climb in and once again reminded me to hold on tight. As I did so, we flew up to the air, it wasn't a long ride till King's Cross station as we were already in London.

Once arrived,  i got a carriage for my trunk and walked to the platforms, looking in my letter once again at which platform the train would leave. Platform 9 3/4.  Looked around, but only saw platform 9 and 10, a brick wall in between them.

"Ehm Hagrid.. This says-.." I looked to the  spot he had stood before, but he had disappeared. 'Oh great..' I thought. 'Then how am Isupposed to get there?' I looked around once again, and then I saw a large group of red haired people walk to the brickwall between platforms 9 and 10. Maybe I could ask them?

"Fred! Stop scaring off your sister!" I could hear the woman yell to one of her sons. I walked up to them, my letter still in my hand and greeted the woman. "Hello madam, may I ask you something?" She looked at me motherly "of course, my dear, what's it?"

I held out my letter "I was wondering if you knew where platform-.." she smiled "where platform 9 3/4 is? Yes, come with me, we stopped, she pointed at the wall, just run to that wall, no stopping, you will vanish through it, then you are at platform 9 3/4. Fred! Show this girl how to do it.." The boy she just had yelled at turned around and waved, then getting his carriage, he ran to the wall and I thought he was going to bump into it, but the carriage and him vanished through the wall.

"Alright Arthur, you can go too now, I will come with Ginny after you. The man named Arthur also ran up to the wall and vanished. Then she turned to me again, alright, it's your turn. Just run up to the wall, no stopping and you will vanish alright. I swallowed and looked at the wall once again, I grabbed my carriage and pulled it before me, running up to the wall, just when I thought I would bump straight into it, I appeared on the other side of the wall, I sign above me saying 'Platform 9 3/4'

I turned around and saw the woman and the girl had also appeared on this side now. I thanked the woman and looked aroud. Everywhere stood parents, saying goodbye to their children who would go to Hogwarts now. Then I walked off to the train and got in to find myself an empty compartment. I sat down and looked out of the window. Everywhere seeing parents kiss their children goodbye and children waving to them as they attended the train.

I sat there for a while, alone, when a bushy haired girl entered the compartment. "Have you seen a toad? A boy named Neville's lost his.. " she sighed at what she said. I shook my head "no.. I haven't seen one.." she wanted to turn around again, but she stopped. "By the way.. I am Hermione.. Hermione Granger" I examined her, she looked smart. "I am Patronus.. Patronus Lestrange.. pleasure to meet you" she nodded, turned around and walked to the next compartment.

After an hour or so, I had been reading, a boy walked in, his hair blonde and he had a pale skin. He sat down in front of me "I am Malfoy, Draco Malfoy. And you are?" I looked at him, "I am Patronus.. " He kept staring at me "and your surname?" I chuckled. "Lestrange.. Patronus Lestrange" He examined  me until he finally spoke "you're lying.. there's only one witch named Lestrange, and she doesn't have a daughter.. I don't like lying.. " He came closer to me, pointing his wand to my chest. "You're a mudblood,  aren't you? Telling lies to let people think you are one of us.. " his voice sounded angry, but I wasn'tscared, something about him didn't make me scared.. not that I had ever been scared..

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