Ex (Aidan)

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<<your pov>>
I sat on my bed scrolling through my phone, my scrolling gets interrupted by an unknown number calling me. Yikes. I pick it up.


"Hey Y/N, remember how you wanted a role in the umbrella academy?" My agent asks.


"You got a role!"

"I'll take it! Which character?" I ask.

"Dolores, Number Five's love interest. You'll meet the actor of Number Five in a week when we begin filming", my agent tells me.

"Whose the actor of Five?" I ask.

"I cant tell you that, the directors want it as a surprise", my agent says.

"Okay, thank you!" I smile and hang up, squealing with excitement.

"Mum I got a role in umbrella academy!" I call out as I run down the stairs towards the living room.

"That's awesome! When and where is filming?" She asks.

"In Toronto in a week", I smile.

"Alright i'll book a flight now", (u live in LA btw) My mum says as she gets out her laptop and clicks onto google.

She buys both of us a ticket.

"Better get packing", she tells me.

I nod and run back up to my room and begin packing.

The plane finally lands in Toronto, I cant wait to find out whose playing Number Five! We caught a taxi to the filming destination, and I went into my trailer and went to set straight away since I was told to.

"Hey Y/N, come over to the makeup trailer and you'll meet Number Five!" My agent smiles.

I excitedly follow him over to the makeup trailer, I open the door and it reveals someone I wish I never EVER saw again...
No! I walk away from the makeup trailer angrily and walk towards mine.

"What's wrong Y/N?" My agent follows me back to my trailer.

"I don't want my role anymore", I cross my arms angrily.

"Why? Do you not like the actor?" My agent asks.

"He was my ex...we didn't end well at all", I sigh.

"It's okay, you can try make friends with him again", my agent says.

"I doubt it..but I really want this role so i'll try", I walk back to the makeup trailer and walk inside, sit down and wait for the makeup artist to come.

I'm not even gonna talk to him.

"So you're not even gonna talk to me?" He asks.

"I wasn't planning to, I just wanna have fun being my character", I reply.

"Yeah well we're gonna have to hang out to make our screen relationship seem more real".

"Yeah well i'm not doing that".

"You never wanted to do anything".

"You never made any plans!"

"It's not my fault I was busy!"

"Busy my ass all you did was hang out with other people!"

"That's what you did too!"

"I did that because you were always out".

"Hey kids whose ready to get their makeup done?" The makeup artist says.

"Me", We both say at the same time.

"I was here first", He says.

"All I need is some blush and hair spray".

"So do I".

"I'll do Aidan's first, he was here first", the makeup artist says awkwardly.

Aidan Gallagher, my ex.
I'm not gonna lie, it was fun while it lasted, but it didn't end good.
After a few minutes the makeup artist starts doing mine. In the corner of my eye I see Aidan looking at me.

"Take a picture it'll last longer", I smirk.

"Pff i've deleted every picture I had of you, never want another one again", He scoffs.

"You still look like a rat", I tell him.

Calling eachother a rat was one of our inside jokes.

"Guess you still miss me, using our old inside jokes", he crosses his arms and smirks at me.

"You wish, you already forgot how I left the room when I first arrived?" I roll my eyes.

After our makeup was done we go onto set, still pissed about having to do scenes with eachother.
The plan for my character is that everyone else sees me as a mannequin, while Five sees me as a real human.
We even have to do lovey dovey shit...I swear if people start shipping us...

"I'm never getting out of here", Five groans.

"I told you, you got the equations wrong", I sigh.

"It's not just that. I cant just get out of here with equations, there has to be something else. I cant just be stuck here!" He says with frustration.

...he looks good when he's mad?
no he doesn't
he's not good looking
stop it y/n

"Just take a break day, no stressing about how to get out of here, let's just enjoy each other's company", I place my hand on his shoulder and smile.

"You're right...", Five sits down next to me and I lean my head on his shoulder, he kisses my forehead and closes his eyes.

"Cut!" The director yells.

Immediately I get up and walk off set, he does the same and we wait for our next scene. We watch on the camera of other scenes people are filming.

"Y/N and Aidan on set, do you remember your lines?" The director asks us.

"Yep", I say with dullness in my voice.

This scene is where Tom holds my mannequin version out the window, and when he leaves the room I start freaking out and Five calms me down by kissing me, I can't wait to get this over with.

"Action!" The director calls out.

Tom holds the mannequin Dolores out the window, making Five choose between Dolores or the gun. As he drops Dolores he teleports to her while dropping the gun and Tom collects the gun.

"You're on", the director whispers.

They quickly take the mannequin Dolores away and is replaced by me.

"Thank you for choosing me Five", I fake sob into his chest.

"Dolores i'd choose you over anyone, you know that", Five places me down and hugs me.

"There's gonna be one day where you don't choose me, Luther's gonna throw me out a window again I can't do thi-", my rambling is cut off by Five pressing his lips against mine.

I. hate. this.
I kinda like it
I miss it
I miss Aidan
No i dont
I don't like it at all

"I'm not going to leave you", He smiles as he pulls away.

"Cut!" The director yells.


I jump off set, wiping my lips in disgust...fake disgust...NO ITS REAL DISGUST!
That scene sucked...a little...not at all...WORST SCENE BY FAR WHAT AM I SAYING??

yeet part one of this idea done! i love this idea sm i'm gonna start writing the second part like rn oops

&lt;&lt;Discontinued&gt;&gt; Aidan Gallagher/Number Five ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now