Talking shit (Five)

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(this was requested :))
<<your pov>>
I walked down the halls of the umbrella academy towards my room, Allison and Luther were in the same room just talking, I always get a weird vibe off them...

"Night Y/N", Vanya says from the door way.

"Goodnight", I smile in return.

"Still lookin gorgeous, you go girl", Klaus pats my back and finger guns me as he walks to his room.

I smile and go in my room, I shut the door and lay in bed, waiting for sleep to consume me.

"I just don't like her...she acts like she IS number one", I hear Luther say from across the hall.

"I know...and she acts like she's perfect and the best looking person ever", Allison scoffs.

"Anyways, goodnight Luther", she says and walks to her room.

Were they talking about me???

I wake up and get my academy uniform on, today, we were gonna get our tattoos...i've never liked needles, so I don't like the thought of a lot of needles being stabbed into my skin at once.
Dad calls us down to get our needles, first Klaus gets his, then Allison, then Luther...then me...

"Hurry up Number Eight", Dad grunts at my reluctantless to get into the chair.

"I-I don't like needles", I stutter.

"It's alright, the quicker you go the quicker it'll be over with", Five places his hand on my shoulder.

I nod and walk to the seat, take a seat and start getting my tattoo done.

"Such a sook...she can't even get a tattoo done", I hear Luther mutter under his breath.

I was gonna turn around and confront him but the pain was too much, so I stayed in my seat clenching my jaw.

"I hope her tattoo messes up and she gets lasers to remove it and get it all over again", Allison giggles from behind me.

"Not cool guys", Klaus angrily says.

"Whatever...", Allison mutters.

Finally my tattoos done, I get up and run into Klaus's arms trying not to cry.

"Cry baby", Allison mutters.

"Don't listen to them", Klaus rubs my back to comfort me.

After we all got our tattoos done, we had half an hour of free time to do what we want...finally...

I walk over to Diego's room and knock on the door, waiting for an answer.
Diego opens and Five, Klaus, Vanya and...Luther is in the room.
He opens the door wider for me to come in, I take a seat on the bed awkwardly. I don't know why Luther hates me so much all of a sudden...

"Now the room stinks", he mutters under his breath.

"Look if you're gonna keep talking shit about me, say it to my house, don't say it under your fucking breath or in your room at night when you think I can't fucking hear, say it to my FACE or step back you idiot!" I yell at him.

"You wanna have a fight? I think we all know whose gonna win", he rolls up his sleeves and goes to punch me.

I use my power to slow down time and quickly move from his fist to behind him. I unfreeze time and he punches the air, I then push him from behind and he falls onto the ground. He gets up with me on his back and grabs me, throwing me into a wall, causing the wall to break and me to be on the other side of the wall.

"LUTHER!" Five yells, jumping through the hole he made.

"No, i'm not done", I groan and get up slowly.

"You don't know when to stop do you", Diego glares at Luther as he comes to comfort me.

They help me up and Five teleports me to my room.

"What the hell just happened?" He asked.

"Even ask Klaus! Allison and Luther have been talking shit about me for a while now, as soon as I walked into Diego's room he said that it smells in here now. I hate being talked to like that", I explain sadly.

"Whatever he said Y/N isn't true, y-you're beautiful and nice and you definetly don't smell", he places a hand on my shoulder.

"Thanks Five...", I smile.

"Can I tell you something?" He asks.

"Yeah of course", I reply.

"I just...I really-" Five gets cut off by dad yelling that free time is over.

"I'll tell you later", Five says and teleports out of my room.

<<timeskip to next week>>
Free time had just started and I was gonna ask Five what he was gonna say to me last week, it's been killing me not knowing. As Five walks by my room I pull him in.

"Oh hey uh hi", Five awkwardly says.

"What were you gonna tell me last week? It's been killing me not knowing", I ask him.

" see...well...", he stalls.

"C'mon Five, please", I beg him.

"Fine...this is gonna sound so dumb-", he starts but I cut him off by telling him to just say it.(just do it!)

"Fine, I really like you, and it makes me sad knowing that people like Luther and Allison are always so rude to you. If I could i'd teleport away with you to live somewhere where you'd feel happier and not be called names", he admits.

"Five..i like you too", I smile and hug him tightly.

"Gross", someone mutters from behind us.

I turn around and glare at Luther, wishing I had stronger powers than him so I could teach him an actual lesson. Who cares, at least I have Five.

&lt;&lt;Discontinued&gt;&gt; Aidan Gallagher/Number Five ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now