Different Part 2

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<<the day that Five disappeared>>
We sat at the dinner table, eating in silence. I kept glancing over at Five, it looks like he wants to say something but is trying to stop himself...

Five stabs a knife into the table, causing everyone to look at him.

"Number Five", Dad says.

"I have a question", Five starts.

"Knowledge is an admirable goal but you know the rules, no talking during meal times, you are interrupting Herr Clarson", Dad waves his knife in the air and then proceeds to cut his steak.

Five pushes his plate forward and glares at dad.

"I want to time travel", he says seriously.

"No", Dad calls out.

"But i'm ready, ive been practising my spatial jumps just like you said", Five says as he stands up from his seat and teleports next to dad, "See?"

"A spatial jump is trivial when compared to the unknowns of time travel, one is like sliding along the ice, the other is akin to descending blindly into the depths of the freezing water and reappearing as an acorn", Dad takes a sip of his drink.

"I don't...I don't get it", Five puts his arms behind his back.

"Hence the reason you're not ready", Dad places his drink back down on the table.

Five looks at me and I shake my head.

"I'm not afraid", Five says as he looks back at Dad.

"Fear isn't the issue, the effects it might have on your body, even on your mind are far too unpredictable now I forbid you to talk about this anymore", Dad places his utensils down and stares at Five.

Five quickly looks at me and walks towards the front doors.

"Number Five!" Dad calls out, causing everyone to look at Five.

"You haven't been excused!" Dad calls out once again as Five walks away.

"Come back here!" Dad yells.

I get up from my table and ignore the calls from dad, Five walks out of the front door and opens the gate, and begins to walk down the footpath.

"Five! No!" I call out.

Five ignored my calls and begins to walk faster.

"Five!" I call out.

I'm too late. Five already teleported into the future.
Tears well up in my eyes as I collapse onto the sidewalk sobbing into my hands, I just lost the only boy i've ever loved, and he liked me back...

"Y/N!" I turn around to see Seven.

"It's okay Y/N...Five will be back", Seven rubs my back comfortingly.

"No he's not Seven!" I sob into her uniform.

I haven't gone to any missions ever since Five left...the alarm for another mission sounds but I continue to lay in bed, starving myself and hiding my scars from everyone.
I've lost weight, but not enough to not be scowled at by the others.

"Y/N...are you coming out for the mission?" I hear Four ask from the doorway.

I shake my head slightly, tears stained my cheeks from me recently crying.

"Y/N you need to or else dad will-", before Four could finish what he was saying, dad's shouts interrupted him.

"I'll deal with her later", dad says before shutting my door, leaving me in the darkness of my room again.

Ever since Five left, I haven't been myself. I've started starving myself, and cutting myself...
Since I haven't used my power in a while, my hair has started to grow back.
I run my hands over my hair, well it's not really hair...it's as if I got a buzz cut...at least i'm not bald.

(also ur hair looks like season 1 elevens! yay! if y'all don't know who eleven is, this is who she is)

(also ur hair looks like season 1 elevens! yay! if y'all don't know who eleven is, this is who she is)

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A few hours went by until I hear the doors reopen.

"Straight to bed!" Dad called out to everyone who had just came home.

I checked the time and it read 11:40.

A few more minutes went by, until I heard a knock at my door. I turned around and saw dad in my doorway.

"Wh-What?" I ask him, my voice sounded dry since I hadn't drank water or speaker in a while.

"You are refusing to do any missions", dad told me.

"I know", I muttered.

Dad clicked his fingers and One entered my room.

"You know where to take her", Dad says to One.

One nods and walks towards me and grabs me. I try to break out of his grasp, but since I haven't eaten in a while I can't...
I thrash around in his arms and scream as loud as I can, he takes me down a creepy hall and to this big metal box.

"NO! HELP! FOUR! SEVEN! MUM! POGO!" I yell at the top of my lungs.

"FIVE!" I shout and get thrown in the metal box.

I get up and run towards the exit but One shuts it before I could get to it.
I bang on the sound proof window and yell.

"ONE! GET ME OUT!" I bang against the window harder until my fists bled.

One looked at me with guilt, but walked away from me, leaving me alone in a cold dark metal box.

"NO! HELP!" I choke out.

I slide down the corner wall or the box and put my head in my hands, sobbing.

"Five...", I sob.

<<timeskip 45 years>>
I lied in my corner, etching another line into the metal box. Every day i've marked one line, so I can know how long i've spent in here, 16425 days. 16425 days in complete silence, darkness and coldness. The only bit of light I see is when the door gets opened a little bit for a new set of clothes and food every day.
For some reason, I haven't aged at all. I've stayed the same age for the whole 16425 days, 13.

"YOU KEPT HER LOCKED UP?" An angry voice fills the halls.

"I DONT GIVE A FUCK IF SHE WASNT DOING MISSIONS YOU DO NOT LOCK THE LOVE OF MY LIFE UP!" The angry voice gets louder and closer to me.

"IM LETTING HER OUT", The door slowly starts to open....

3 UPDATES TODAY OMGG ALSO THANK U FOR 20K I NEVER THOUGHT ID EVEN GET 20 READS ILY GUYS SO MUCH❤️❤️❤️also should i give out my instagram??🤔🤔

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