School Play (Aidan)

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(in this imagine, you and Aidan are both 15 and haven't taken acting classes yet but still love acting)

I stroll in the hallways for my school, casually glancing at the boards on the wall. My eyes catch something that says;
'School Play Auditions-Lunch Time in the Drama Place'.
I read more of the paper, it's a cinderella type story. Classic.
I remember the old school plays I was in, from kinder garden to just last year. I see a boy walk next to me and look at the paper I was looking at.

"Are you gonna audition?" I ask him.

"Maybe, i've always loved acting", he smiles, I recognise him from some of my plays.

Since we had to perform multiple times on different days we had multiple people play the same role, he's always played the main character and so have I, we've just never acted together before.

"Same here, I recognise you from some of the school plays", I smile.

"Yeah, I recognise you aswell. You're such an amazing actor", he looks at me.

"Thanks, you are aswell, though I've never seen you act I can tell you're great at it", I chuckle.

"Thanks, I guess i'll see you in the drama place", the boy puts his hand out.

"Will do, my names Y/N by the way", I smile and shake his hand.

"Aidan", he replies.

"Cya Aidan", I smile and walk down the hallway to my first class.

I walk into the drama space and see the drama teacher, she's handing out a piece of paper to a few kids. She smiles as she sees me and hands me the paper.

"I can tell you're gonna do great", she smiles.

I grin at her and read over the script.

(i've never actually watched cinderella so i'm going on youtube to find out what her and the prince guy says sksksk)

The scene we have to reinact for the audition is when the prince slips Cinderella's glass slipper on, and before they kiss the ugly step sisters burst in, apologising frantically. Thank god we don't have to do the kiss for the audition.

"So you showed up", I hear a familiar voice behind me.

I turn around to see Aidan "Of course", I smile.

"Do you wanna practice the lines?" He asks.

"Sure", I grab the paper and we say our lines, without doing the actions.

"Alright kids, get into groups of four, one person being cinderella, one person being the prince and two people being the ugly step sisters", the drama teacher calls out.

Aidan and I look at eachother and pair up, eventually two girls we don't know join our group.

"Y/N, Aidan, Betty and Jamey you guys are up", the drama teacher calls out.

(if your name is Betty or Jamey just change the name :))

I sit on the chair up on the stage and Aidan kneels in front of me, holding a random slipper that looks like something someone would wear to bed.

"And action!" The drama teacher calls out.

Aidan grabs near the bottom of my ankle, and looks into my eyes. I do the same and smile. He slips the shoe on my foot, surprisingly a perfect fit. I sigh in relief and we both stand up, still looking into each others eyes. Aidan gently places his hand on the side of my neck and leans in, I do the same but before our lips could touch, Betty and Jamey come in and say their lines.

"Cinderella!" Betty calls out.

"Ella!" Jamey also calls out.

Aidan and I pull away and look over to them.

"My dear sister!" Betty starts, "I'm sorry".

Aidan and I look back at eachother and smile.

"So very sorry", Betty sighs.

We look over to them and they curtsy.
Aidan and I look back into each others eyes,

"Shall we?" He asks.

I smile and nod my head.
He grabs my hand and we walk past Betty and Jamey.
I look over to the drama teacher, who pretended to be the step mother and looked back at me.

"I forgive you", I smile and walk off the stage, hand in hand with Aidan.

"Cut!" The teacher calls out.

We get a round of applause and jokingly bow, so does Jamey and Betty.

The other groups perform the scene, some of them occasionally mess up the lines. I look down and see Aidan and I are still holding hands. I decide not to mention it, since I quite like the feeling.

I rush over to the board, and look to see who got the audition.
I find it and search for 'Cinderella', I look and see my name next to it!

"Yes!" I cheer out and smile.

Aidan got the prince, but Betty and Jamey didn't get the step sisters.

"Congratulations", I hear Aidan say behind me.

"Thank you! And congrats to you too", I smile and give him a quick hug.

"We gotta go to the drama place and get our scripts", he tells me.

I nod and we begin to walk to the drama place. As we're going I feel him grab my hand, my cheeks heat up but I continue to walk.
We arrive and pick up the scripts.

"I'll see you at lunch time", Aidan says.

"Cya", I quickly kiss his cheek and walk off, leaving him shocked in the hallway. He quickly collects himself and heads to his class.

aah should i do a part 2 of this where they do the actual play or nah?

&lt;&lt;Discontinued&gt;&gt; Aidan Gallagher/Number Five ImaginesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon