~Quince- Coping With You~

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IT'S been one incredible week since the night of studying. We both got A's on the test- even though that clearly wasn't our top priority that day. Alex and I have been on two more dates, strategically cheating the system so nobody has found out. I have loved every single second of it.

We are now on our third date this week- a very casual one, at that. All we're doing is sitting on my flat-level roof at 3AM, stargazing and just enjoying each-others presence. We've had a few simple discussions since he's arrived, talking about random shit we always seem to discuss.

Then, suddenly, a text pops up on his phone.

From Steph.

"The fuck?" Alex states, unlocking his phone and beginning to read the seemingly lengthy message. He reads it aloud so I can hear it.

"Hey, I know that we're just friends and all, but I feel like ever since we met there's something between us. I'm pretty sure you feel the same- I just know. I know you're kind of close to Y/N, but don't get the wrong idea of her. She's not looking for a relationship right now. If we could go out sometime in the near future, I'd like that a lot. And I think you would too. Text me back, heart emoji, heart emoji."

"What the hell?" I blurt. "Does she really think you're that close?"

"I don't know, but either way it's weird as fuck. Didn't you say she never stays up past 11?"

Yeah, I did. I check my phone- it's 3:45 AM.

"Something weird is going on with her. She can't just do that to you."

"Y/N, you're missing the point. I don't give a fuck what she said about me. She just disrespected you big time, and she thinks you don't know that. Steph wants to fucking date me, but she just went behind the back of my goddamn girlfriend!"

"Girlfriend, eh?" I said with a smirk, taming the frustrating mood we were in. Technically, Alex hasn't asked me to be his girlfriend yet- although we sure do act like he has.

"Y-yeah, you're my girlfriend... right?" He suddenly seems nervous as he licks his lips, adjusting the beanie on his head as well.

"I don't know, Alexis. You never asked me." I say, the smirk still prevalent on my face.

"Fine. Hey Y/N, be my girlfriend."

"Sure, why not." We both laugh. "Anyway, how to reply to that text."

"What if I just say that I'm 'like you,' that I don't want to be in a relationship right now?"

"That works." After a few seconds, the text is sent out to Steph. That bitch.

"You could've just said you were dating someone, y'know." I look up at him, leaning into his side.

"Nah, remember? That's our secret."

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