Chapter 1 -LIFE GOES ON

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Clock ticked 3 am , breaking the silence with the sound waves in the air giving the feel of dwelling memories of past waiting to be let free

Phone rings ,...
"Who is it at this early hour ??" She hardly opened sleepy eyes and took the call

A deep low suffocating voice,hardly spelled out of pain and helplessness"Leena!!! Leena!! Sorry
And love you !!"......"Rohan! Rohan!!"she kept yelling "Rohan !!!Rohan!!!""

Startled by the loud yell, Rihanna woke up and looked at sleeping Leena with a habitual sigh.
"Leena,Leena wake up. It was a dream ,not real,wakeup Leena"

Taking a deep difficult breath Leena woke up , sat sweating and stayed still ,taking time to believe what is real.

"Is it the same dream ?" Rihanna sighed heavily,"when will you get over your past?" she said disappointingly with a gesture of no hope.
Holding on to the glass of water Leena wore a tired smile trying to not look pathetic.

"I am over it.Dont worry. I am just tired over my night shifts at ICU during whole last week.i couldn't get enough sleep "she said convincingly so that Rihanna won't stay awake all night looking at her to sleep again

Seeing her lie down to sleep
Rihanna too closed her eyes pulling over the blanket

Thumping knock on the door "Leena !! Leena !! "It's getting late .Did you even wake up?"

Having lost her sleep again,Rihanna shouted "aaah this stupid Joey !
with his noise early on Sunday.Nobody is letting me to sleep today"

Picking herself up,Leena got out of bed to open the door"Isn't today Sunday??"
Joey held her head between his hands to let her think again with sound mind "You are an intern doctor now,do u think u can have a holiday?"

Struck by the reality "oh my crap !! Today is my reporting day to psychiatry department .HOD is going to kill me for being late" Leena rushed and stepped out of room in 15 min.

Rihanna ,adjusting her pillow "lucky me,I don't have to run on Sundays ,am relieved that I chose psychology degree out of all hectic professions"

Both ran like their legs fell off but worth of not getting throwed out on first day of department

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