10- Great Escape

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Steve and I look at each other, contemplating what Tony has said, "Come on!" He shouts at us.
"We found it, their quinjet is in hanger five, north runway" Sam says through our comms. I nod at Steve, creating a force field as Steve holds his hands up, allowing Hawkeye to shoot the webbing off.

 I nod at Steve, creating a force field as Steve holds his hands up, allowing Hawkeye to shoot the webbing off

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"Alright Lang" Steve then says.
"Hey guys something" the Spider kid starts to say as Scott grows from tiny to normal size, knocking the kid over and taking Steve's shield.
"Whoa, what the hell was that?"  Rhodes asks.

"I believe this is yours, Captain America" Scott says handing Steve the shield back

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"I believe this is yours, Captain America" Scott says handing Steve the shield back.
We listen as Tony informs his team his going after Wanda, asking Rhodes to go take care of me and Steve. Rhodes then flies off discovering where Sam and Bucky are, T'Challa running off clearly going for Bucky.
"Go!" I shout at Steve who runs off after the Black Panther. I roll out of the way before War Machine can get me. I run off, dodging blasts, trying to get to Steve. I catch up to see him fighting off T'Challa, he gets knocked down and I run up to him. I manage to get my force field up, as he covers us with his shield blocking another blast from War Machine. The hit bounces back, knocking Rhodey away.
"I'll get Rhodey" I say as I help him back up. I manage to send energy blasts back at Rhodes, making contact as Steve tosses The Black Panther.

"Hey, Cap, heads up" we hear Scott shout tossing something to him. We look to see a miniature truck in his hand, and we look at Scott confused.
"Throw it at this" Scott says as he throws something up in the air, "Now!" Steve does so and they make contact, the truck becoming bigger and explodes as it lands.
"Oh, man! I thought it was a water truck" Scott says and Steve and I look at him. The tree of us then take off running, catching up to Hawkeye and Wanda.
"Come on!" Steve shouts, as Bucky and Sam join us as well. We are making our way to for the quinjet, when a stream of energy slices across the tarmac stopping us in our tracks. We look up to see Vision hover above us.

"Captain Rogers, Emerald, I know you believe what you're doing is right. But for the collective good you must surrender now" he warns as Tony's team shows up.
"What do we do Cap?" Sam asks.
"We fight" Steve says.
"This is gonna end well" I hear Natasha say.

We break into a run, and what I've always seen is coming true

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We break into a run, and what I've always seen is coming true. We fight against those who we once claimed to be our friends. I blast at Tony stopping him from attacking Steve. I run amongst the others trying to get to Bucky to cover him. I then feel someone kick me down, and I roll across the ground. I get up, preparing energy in my hands and ready to attack.
"I don't want to hurt you Nat" I say.
"I know, but we gotta do what we gotta do" she smiles and I blast her. She goes flying back and I run off looking for Steve and Bucky.

 I spot the spider kid swinging above and I watch Steve's shield break his webbing, and the kid falls.
"That thing does not obey the laws of physics at all" I hear true kid say as he lands on top of a truck and I catch up to Steve. I duck behind a nearby truck, "look kid, there's a lot going on here that you don't understand" I hear Steve say.
"Mr.Stark said you'd say that. Wow" the kid says and I watch him fire his webbing at Steve's shield and ankle and he pulls Steve down towards him. The kid kicks Steve who falls back and the kid then rolls away.
"He also said to go for the legs." The kid says.

Steve sees me and I create energy, "wait" he whispers. He goes after his shield when the spider kid webs Steve's hands.
Steve pulls at the webbing "now!" He says to me and I break the webbing with my energy blasts.
"Did Stark mention not to piss the Caps girl off" I say to the kid as I blast the kid.
"You And Cap" the kid says as he lands.
"Yeah, now did Stark tell you anything else" Steve says, as the kid swings up.
"That your wrong. You think you're right. That makes you dangerous" he swings at us and Steve kicks him back hitting the gangways legs.
"Guess he had a point" Steve says as I blast the leg and it crashes down on the Spider kid who holds it up.

"Guess he had a point" Steve says as I blast the leg and it crashes down on the Spider kid who holds it up

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"You got heart, kid. Where're you from?" Steve asks.
"Queens" the kid says.
"Brooklyn" Steve says and we run off.
We catch up to Bucky, ducking behind some trucks.
"We gotta go, that guys probably in Siberia by now" Bucky says.
"We gotta draw out the flyers" Steve says.
"I'll take Vision, you two get to the jet" I say to them.
"I'm not leaving you behind" Steve says.
"No, your not. You get to the jet! All of you, they need protection. The rest of us aren't getting out of here" Sam says through out comm. link.
"As much as I hate to admit it, if we're gonna win this one, some of us might have to lose it" Clint tells us.
"This isn't the real fight Steve" Sam says.
"Alright, Sam what's the play?" Steve asks.
"We need a diversion, something big" Sam says.
"I got something, kind of big, but I can't hold it very long. On my signal, run like hell. And if I tear myself in half..don't come back for me" Scott tells us.
"He's gonna tear himself in half?" Bucky questions.
"You sure about this Scott?" I ask him.
"I do it all the time. I mean once....in a lab. Then I passed out" Scott says to us.

We hear a noise and looking up we see Scott is now gigantic.
"I guess that's the signal" I say to the men.
"Way to go Tic Tac" we hear Sam say.
"Men, I suggest we go now" I say and we run off, making our way to the jet. We run for the hanger when the control tower starts to collapse toward the entrance of the hanger. We watch Wanda use her powers to slow it down. I bring me force field up and shove both men into the hanger.

I roll across the ground, just as the tower collapses. I slowly get up to see Nat standing there to stop us.
"You're not gonna stop" she says.
"You know we can't" I say to her.
"I'm gonna regret this" she says as she fires her widow bites at T'Challa who had made his way into the hanger.

"Thank you Nat" I say to her.
"You owe me, if you really love him, don't let him get too deep" she says.
"We already are" I smile as I follow Steve and Bucky onto the jet. I close the hatch once on board, and Steve heads to the pilot seat. I watch as Nat continues to hold off Black Panther. Steve starts up the jet, and blasts at the debris allowing our escape.

Steve flies the jet, deflecting the attack's from Tony and Rhodes. The attack's stop and Steve flies us out of there. I sit down exhausted, "you need to rest" Bucky says to me.
"I can't until your asses are safe" I say.
"Language" Steve smiles.
"How did you find someone as good as Peggy?" Bucky says.
"It was luck and her stubbornness to follow me wherever" Steve says.
"I'm glad you found happiness Steve" Bucky says.
"I am too, and Buck's right you need rest, you've used your powers a lot today" he says.
"I can't Steve" I say.
"I'm right here in case" Steve says to me. I nod and close my eyes, leaning my head back.

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