Chapter 11- admitting love

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Back in the hotel, Dawn was also having trouble sleeping. After a few minutes, she gave up and decided to go out for a walk. She grabbed one of her pokeballs and changed before she left the room. However, Serena too was awake and heard her leave, so she followed her out of the hotel.

'Where is she going?' Serena thought suspiciously.

Dawn called her bunneary out for some company. They walked to the beach and on their stroll, Dawn spotted Ash. The coordinator smiled and approached him.

"Hey Ash. Can I sit?" Dawn asked.

"Sure." Ash smiled. Dawn returned the smile and sat down beside him with Buneary in her lap. "Can't sleep?"

"Yes, a lot on my mind is all." Dawn answered.

"Yeah, me too." Ash said, looking back into the water.

There was a silence between them, an enjoyable one. Like when they used to travel together. The fun times they had, the battles, the times they cheer each other up, cheered each other on, and even the fights were fond memories for the two.

"Dawn?" Ash suddenly said, having come to a conclusion, sitting here with her.

"Yes?" Dawn said, turning to face him.

"I'm really glad you came on this trip." Ash began with a warm smile. "And you have really helped me, in so many ways. We were a great team, we are a great team, and well..." Ash paused, realizing this was harder then he thought.

"What is it?" Dawn asked, scooting her body to fully face him.

Ash took in a deep breath and did something he never thought he would do.

"Dawn, I'm in love with you and I would be so happy if you traveled with me again. Please?" Ash confessed as he put a hand on her cheek, with an even bigger smile.

A few tears ran down Dawns face as she gently pushed his hand away. Ash looked hurt, thinking she didn't return his feelings, but he was in for a surprise. Suddenly, Dawn leaned forward, cupped his face with her hands and kissed him, right on the lips. Ash was surprised for a second, but pulled her closer as he kissed her back.

' why? That was supposed to be my moment...not her's! My moment!' Serena thought bitterly.

Tears began to fall from the eyes of the young performer. She ran away, back into the hotel. Not at all trying to be quiet as she ran back in a crying fit. She collapsed to her knees in front of the room door, sobbing.

"Serena? What's wrong? Are you alright?" Clemont whispered as he opened the his rooms door. He quietly crept over to her "Serena, what is it?" Serena, suddenly turned and hugged him tight as she cried, startling him. "Serena?"

"'s Ash. He loves someone else, not me. Why doesn't he love me?" Serena cried.

"Shhhh, it's ok. It's ok. Everything is going to be ok." Clemont tried to soothe. He hugged the girl as she cried, hating to see her hurt. "I'm here for you, when ever you need me. No matter what, ok?"

"Ok, thank you Clemont." Serena said, once she calmed down. Clemont nodded and went to pull away, but Serena held tight. "Wait, can you please stay?" She begged, looking up at him like a sad pichu.

He wanted to go back to bed, he was really tired but couldn't say no to her.

"Yes, I'll stay with you." Clemont answered.

"Thank you." Serena whispered and rested her head against his chest as she hugged him. Clemont yawned but hugged her back, just staying with her. After a few minutes, Serena looked up and asked "Hey Clemont, why are you so sweet, and kind to me?"

"Because I love you, Serena. You are just so kind, beautiful, and caring. But, I understand, you love Ash and will never see me that way. It's fine, though, so long as you are happy and I can see you smile, I'll be fine. Ash is a lucky guy for a girl as amazing as you to love him so much." Clemont admitted but was to tired to make sense of anything he said.

"What?" Serena asked, shocked to hear such a thing come from him.

"Are you ok now?" Clemont mumbled with a yawn. "Can I please go back to bed?"

"Um, sure." Serena replied slowly, in shock.

Clemont nodded and went back into his room, and the second his face hit the pillow he was asleep.

Serena stayed outside a moment longer, in disbelief, before she returned to her room. She thought a lot about what Clemont said, how much he loves and cares about her. 

Back to the lovebirds on the beach, they had finally pulled apart.

"Is that a yes?" Ash asked, just to be sure.

Dawn giggled and replied "Yes! Of course!" But then she noticed something. "Hey Ash, what's that?" Dawn asked pointing behind him.

The two stood up, set their Pokémon on the sand. Then they both got up and walked toward the shining thing in the distance and walked over to it. Ash reached into the sand under a rock and pulled something out. Dawn glanced at it over his shoulder and her eyes filled with amazement as Ash dusted it off.

"Oh my goodness! This is one of the luvdisc statues! We found it, and to think it happened after we were filled with love." Dawn giggled.

"Wow, your right." Ash grin down at the statue, then to Dawn. He smiled and took her hand "It's getting late, let's go back to the rooms."

"Ok." Dawn smiled and rested her head on his shoulder. They walked back to their spot and found Buneary and Pikachu asleep, leaning against one another, holding paws. "Awww. That is so cute, I feel bad waking them." Dawn said.

Nonetheless, they picked up their Pokémon and went back to their rooms. They reluctantly parted ways and opened the doors going back to their beds. The two lay in their beds, with the the biggest smiles before they all fell asleep. 

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