The Path Ahead

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Ramsen walked back inside the cabin and continued searching for any type of information or clue he could find. There has to be something here... Anything. Luresa decided to continue helping him while Rolus sat on a chair near the front of the cabin waiting for them. Ramsen threw a chair out of frustration. It went smacking into the wall behind him, shattering a fake piece of wall off, dropping it on the ground. Luresa turned around to see what happened, and noticed the hole in the wall.

"Ramsen, look." she said

Ramsen turned around, and was completely shocked. He noticed a shining blue light, that reflected its light all around its container. He slowly walked up towards it to see what exactly it was. Even Rolus walked over so he could see what it was, curiously. Ramsen went into grab it but it pushed his hand back. Some type of force was pushing it away.

"I can't reach it, something keeps pushing my hand back." Ramsen said.

"Really?" Luresa said excited.

She walked over and the same thing happened to her.

"Wow, this is so cool." Luresa said with a grin on her face.

Ever since she was young, she was fascinated by the magical. As young kids, when Ramsen would tell his stories about Nhoa, she would listen in pure happiness wishing she had witnessed his power. Although, the thought of this man using his gift for evil, scared her.

She continued pushing her hand into the magical barrier, her hand just sitting there, still in place unable to move further in. She eventually stepped backwards, after she had enough fun with it. Ramsen just stood there, thinking of a way they could potentially get that item out of there. Ramsen begun looking around now for something he could use to get it out, Luresa stood turned around looking for something too. Rolus walked up to the wall, and stuck his hand on the barrier, feeling the mana, and then pushed his hand through the barrier grabbing the item.

"Hey, guys." He said holding the glowing item.

They turned around, and to no surprise Rolus was holding the item. He could just feel the amount of mana that was stored into it. He handed it over to Ramsen.

It was some type of gemstone that had a swirling, blue smoke inside of it. He had no idea what it could be, but, it was hidden behind magic so it must be of some type of importance.

"There is a ton of mana spewing out of that gem, Ramsen."

"Yeah, I can feel it. It's so much even non-magas could feel its power." Ramsen said.

"Really!? Let me hold it." Luresa said.

He handed it over to her, knowing she just wanted to feel it. She felt a little mana, but not much. She looked excited, but also disappointed. She clenched her hand on it hoping that would make her feel something more, but it didn't help.

"I can just feel something slight." She said before handing it back to Ramsen.

"Let's hold onto this for now." Ramsen said.

Ramsen packed it in his bag, and decided to move on. He told Luresa and Rolus to make sure they didn't forget anything and walked outside the cabin.

When they walked outside to leave Norways Den, Rolus felt a rush of mana form right in front of them. Before Rolus could tell them, a man's figure appeared.

"You!" Ramsen said.

Luresa looked over at Ramsen. "It's him? The powerful Magas."

The man stood there for a few seconds before speaking, than said.

"Well, look what we have here. Oh, and it looks like you've brought some people along for the ride."

Ramsen stepped forward a little, trying to make himself the center of the magas's attention. The man smirked, knowing what Ramsen was trying to do.

"Why do you need the little boy? What purpose is he serving to you?" Ramsen said.

"Oh Ramsen, this is so out of your league. Going from helping poor, helpless families to trying and stopping an all power Magas like me. Major step up for you, now isn't it?"

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