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Upon mornings arrival, Ramsen and Luresa headed out to Bandit Valley. They had a few miles of traveling, so they made sure to keep a decent walking pace to limit breaks. As they walked, Ramsen noticed Luresa wasn't really talking as much. He wondered if it was because of the Derago. After all, she did lie about coming across them. He decided to break the silence.

"Luresa, you okay? I mean you have been silent for the last few miles. That isn't like you."

It seemed as though he broke her out of some train of thought. She kind of shook her head side to side then answered him.

"What? Sorry, I am just thinking about why some powerful magas would just up and leave a town he was basically protecting with just his presence being there. Doesn't make sense to me."

"People have their reasons, Lures. I am sure he has one as well."

She nudged off his reply.

"Hey, so Luresa. Can I ask you something?" Ramsen asked.

She looked over at him, curious to what it could be. Lately they haven't seen much of one another so, she thought maybe it could be something personal about her life.

"Why did you lie to me about coming across the Derago before?"

She turned her face away from him, trying to avoid the question. Probably was out of embarrassment. Ramsen himself felt awkward confronting her out of nowhere like this, but, he wanted an answer. They had basically grown up together, so there usually wasn't any secrets between them, nor lies.

"Salazar told me, if you're wondering how I found out. I just want to know why you lied to me about it." Ramsen added.

"I don't know.. It was in the moment. I can't explain why I said it." Luresa said.

"You don't have to make things up with me, Luresa. You should know this by now. We're like family, and family sticks together, through everything."

"You're such a softy, Ramsy." Luresa said smiling.

"Sure.." He said looking away.

Luresa and Salazar were really the only ones who saw the softer side of Ramsen. Beyond them, everyone else was just snakes in a barrel. As they got closer to reaching Tarrin, they came across an old man. He was struggling to repair the wheel on his wagon. They stopped a little ways out of his vision. Luresa nudged Ramsens arm.

"We should help him." She said noticing Ramsen moving around the trail.

"We don't know this man."

She scoffed and walked over to him. Ramsen followed, knowing he probably shouldn't leave her alone if something went wrong. Ramsen was all for helping people, but if they came in dire need of it. Helping someone randomly, in the woods like this could possibly be a trap. Luresa originally wouldn't help random people out in the woods without scoping the place out first, but, she had a soft spot for the elderly.

The elderly man smiled and thanked Luresa's offer to help him out. Ramsen stood back until he saw how everything was going. Luresa motioned him over, asking him to help her lift up the wagon so the old man could place the fixed wheel back on. They both placed their backs onto the wagon, grabbed the bottom of the wagon, and lifted with all their strength.Took the old man a little bit to place the wheel on, but eventually he got it. After it was fixed, the man thanked them.

"What are you doing out here all alone?" Luresa

"Oh, dear me. I hold a delivery service for the less fortunate. I was paid a hefty amount today to pick up some things from the pub in Tarrin."

"Tarrin? We're heading that way too. You think maybe you could give us a ride there?" Luresa asked.

Ramsen turned his head to Luresa, unsure of how he felt about it. The man agreed pleasantly.

Ramsen just accepted the ride. He was beginning to get weak in the legs As they rode in the wagon with the elderly man, Luresa continued to speak with him.

"So, why are you all alone like this? Why isn't any family helping you? Luresa asked him.

"Oh, dear me. My wife passed away a few months back. We didn't have any children, so leaves me all by myself."

"Oh, I'm terribly sorry to hear that."

"Oh, its fine. I've been doing this job for many years now, so this one little trip to Bandit Valley isn't anything I can't handle. The fee is what I do it for."

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