The Request

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A middle aged man rushed through the bushes of the Sheo-Ven Forest. The rough branches brushed up against his skin as he pushed them away. He continuously looked back to where he was running from. As he finally made it back to the capital, Sturian, he knew who he needed to go see... Ramsen. The man didn't know who had done this atrocious crime upon him and his son. But, he needed the right person for the job.

These were the types of people Ramsen hated beyond belief... Child kidnappers. The bandits who had committed this heinous crime brutally beaten the child's father until unable to defend himself and then took off fleeing the scene before patrol guards could make it to the courtyard.

Ramsen didn't care too much, he just started his business of helping hand and begun posting up papers allowing his city of Murian to know he did what the city guards couldn't.

Ramsen walked back to Telli Tavern and sat on the loose barstool and asked for a drink. He was renting out the loft in the back of the tavern; three months rent paid in full. While this was so, the drinks were free as long as he cleaned up after the tavern was closed down.

"So, why start a business of saving lives and doing a civic duty for Murian? You could just work here for me, cleaning my shitters and fucking the strumpet's that stumble out of here getting more rent money in exchange for sex." He laughed

"I told you Vick, I don't wanna hurt someone else unless they deserve it. A lot of good folk inside this city needing saving because the city guards aren't going to do it. Why you question my choice of work?"

"Just saying, not too much money for heroes and this city. Country is already failing due to the Maanac bandits destroying every town outward of Sturian. Be careful, because Maanac aren't the only bandits you have to look out for Ramsen. Rumor has it the Razor bandits are back, but no one knows where. One lucky person said they saw them leaving Delver."

"Delver? That small town down there by the south mountain side of Bandit Valley? Why would they be out that way, there isn't anything worth stealing that direction."

"Shit if I know, but they are just about as worse as Maanac." Vick said before taking off.

Ramsen poured himself another drink and then closed down the Tavern.


Morning came quick. As every morning, Ramsen woke up early caused by the loud noises Vick was making. Clanking cups and dishes, moving chairs and stools around. Ugh, every morning with this guy he picked himself out of bed and gathered his equipment. He unlatched the lock from the door and pushed it open breaking part of the doorframe.

"Whoa, Ramsen, be careful with that door. I tell you time and time again; door isn't as it used to be." Vick said.

Ramsen just ignored Vick's complaining and sat in the barstool. Vick poured him a beer and sat it down in front of him. The beer was crisp golden tint, while the white foam surfaced on the top. Ramsen grabbed it, and began sipping.

"So, you got work today? You know your monthly rent is about to be due this month, right? You are nearing your expiration date." Vick said

Ramsen sighed and chugged down the warm beverage. "I know Vick, you don't have to remind me of when my payment is due. Everyone is still blind to the King's ruling so they think the guards are gonna solve their problems. I can't just stand up and protest to the country, that'll make me a target. I have to be patient, and gather work that comes my way." Ramsen poured himself some more drink.

"Well, that's true. But remember, my tavern isn't doing so great so if you have to protest then do so. Make it happen, but, be cautious as to how you approach it. Don't need you getting imprisonment."

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