Secret Relationship

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Feferi Peixes x Male reader, Slight Conesce x male reader

Anon request

{"I love you, but your [mom/dad] scares the crap out of me." (From [Male?] s/o to Feferi. Maybe Condesce being the mom? Bonus Points if Condesce scares s/o by openly trying to flirt with them).}

Warnings: none, unless you're not into fish mama with cheesey pick-up lines

The thing about Feferi's mother, Condesce is that she's one intimidating woman. From the rumors that Feferi's boyfriend, (y/n) heard, he's fucked to say the least if Condesce finds out that her little girl has a boyfriend.

His nerves were on edge as Feferi started to try to convince him to meet her mother while he walked her home from another day in (high school/ university) together.

"I love you, but your mom scares the crap out of me." He protested, holding Feferi's soft hands with his. "Please, (y/n) for me? She's not as bad as the rumors say about her. I want her to meet the man I fell in love with." Softly, Feferi's plump lips kisses (y

)'s, causing a blush to appear on his cheeks. "Fine, I'll come over for dinner tonight." Reluctantly, he complyed with Feferi's request.

The block to Feferi's house was the green mile to poor (y/n), his mind raced repeatedly with the same dreadful thought of Condesce finding out about him being Feferi's boyfriend. His (s/t) skin sweats prefusily as they got closer to her house from the unknown of the situation he's in.

Feferi and (y/n) walked to her house by the time he finally kept his composure, his free hand knocked on the wooden door as his heart beats faster than a drummer in the marching band. After a few minutes, the door opened to show Condesce in all of her fearful glory.

"H-hello, miss Condesce. I'm... (Y/n), Feferi's boyfriend... I'm here for dinner.." Condesce let's the duo in, staring lustfully at (y/n)'s body as she licked her plump lips. "No need to be formal, call me Conny or mistress~" the male gulp as he wondered what did he got himself into.

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