Porrim Maryam Weird Headcanon Prompts

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Porrim Maryam

Anon Request

•What they smell like: Porrim Smells like a beachy perfume mixed with scented lipgloss.

•How they sleep (sleeping position, schedule, etc): Porrim loves to sleep curled up on her side. But she does move around in her sleep a lot. She sleeps either 2 hours or 8 hours, nothing in between.

•What music they enjoy: Porrim enjoys female musicians like Halsey/ Marina and the diamonds/ Demi Lovato/ Taylor Swift. But she mostly listen to more of the indie sounding musics like 1975 or Arctic Monkeys. In all honestly, she's open to any type of music.

•How much time they spend getting ready every morning: She spends 20 to 30 minutes max on actually getting ready.

•Their favorite thing to collect: She loves to collect pins that are from rallies/ events that she has attended. She also loves to collect feminist books or books about human rights.

•Left or right-handed: Right Handed but can somewhat write with her left hand.

•Religion (if any): Shes more Agnostic. She thinks that there's a chance that there's something more to life after death but she doesn't like religions that shows hatred towards people for being who they are.

•Favorite sport: She loves hockey or the Olympics.

•Favorite touristy thing to do when traveling (museums, local food, sightseeing, etc): Porrim is totally the ultimate tourist person. She loves exploring and learning about different cultures that aren't her own. She wants to make the most out of her trip.

•Favorite kind of weather: Hands down summer. She loves the sunny weather because she could go to festivals or to the beach. She also enjoys the rainy weather because it's a beautiful mood to read a book and drink coffee.

•A weird/obscure fear they have: She has a fear of escalators because of watching a human horror movie and she just doesn't trust something that your shoelaces can get stuck in.

•The carnival/arcade game they always win without fail: She always win at the water gun shooting game. She naturally has an accurate aim

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